Unofficial Results
Northstar Specialty 2021
Sunday Conformation Results
Judge: Lisa Dube Forman
Ballyhara Irish Wolfhounds, Reg
I am proud to say that I have been an Irish Wolfhound devotee since 1984. From the beginning, I have never been without several Wolfhounds in my home as they are treasured companions above and beyond "show" dogs. Long before I bred my first litter and during my early formative years, I was a mentee in the breed under the guidance of several prominent hound and horse breeders. They spent time instructing me on the "true to nature" shape related to the hound and the horse's intended function or purpose. Alongside them, I was afforded invaluable hands-on training examining many dogs and scrutinizing movement. I learned to comprehend the canine musculoskeletal system. My mentors were vital in my schooling, and I was fortunate to have been their student. The maxim that we never stop learning, despite the 36 years, is as true today as it was in my beginnings. I have been an American Kennel Club (AKC) Judge since 2007 and am currently approved for twenty (20) Hound Group breeds. I have had the great pleasure of several inspiring judging appointments to include The Irish Wolfhound Club of Puget Sound, The Irish Wolfhound Association of the West Coast, The Norwegian Elkhound Minuteman Specialty, and a few other upcoming Specialty assignments. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to judge at many distinguished all-breed kennel clubs, such as The Kennel Club of Palm Springs, and am an approved A1 Judge for The Irish Wolfhound Club (UK).
Thank you for the privilege and distinction of judging your Specialty and your Wolfhounds. I look forward to seeing you all.
2—Puppy Dog 6 - 9 months
1—Puppy Dog 9 -12 months
2—Dog 12 - 18 month
2—Dog Bred-by-Exhibitor
3-Dog American Bred
3—Puppy Bitch 6 - 9 months
2—Puppy Bitch, 9 -12 months
2—Bitch 12 -18 months
4- Bitch Novice
5-Bitch Bred-by-Exhibitor
6-Bitch American Bred
5—Bitch Open
1- Veteran Dog, 7 years and older
5—Best of Breed (1, 4)
Best Puppy
Best Bred By
1-Brood Bitch
2-Best Type
4-Best Gait
Northstar Irish Wolfhound Club Specialty Commentary, June 20, 2021
By Lisa Dubé Forman, Ballyhara Irish Wolfhounds
What a wonderful opportunity afforded to me by the members of the Northstar Wolfhound Club! It certainly was a special occasion for me as I often reflect back on the wonderful hounds with a warm smile. An assignment like this brings me great pleasure, and I hope my love and affection for the breed were evident in my demeanor. It goes without saying, thank you so very much to you all for bringing me your noble hounds.
As a preface before sharing my thoughts, I want to stress the following. The true meaning of the word “critique" is to review or discuss critically, which itself is an analysis of both the merits and faults in an affirmative procedure. There is NO perfect hound, and any assessment of the hounds should not be perceived or taken as a personal slight. Keep foremost in mind that yesteryear's great sporting gentlemen and women who were considered experts in animal husbandry sought out and welcomed other authority evaluations as a way to improve their breeding stock.
Here is my multifold appraisal. First, I lead off with the criticism that there were many overweight hounds whose excess weight negatively affected their movement and center of gravity. In other words, their gait was rolling and somewhat labored. Fanciers should also understand that the extra pounds carried through the loin, flank, and abdomen shift the hound's center of gravity rearward. In drafting, drover breeds this is normal but not in a Sighthound whose center of gravity should be forward on chest up behind the elbow aiding in swiftness.
Equally concerning is the scarcity of sloping shoulders. As many of you know or will read, I seek shape, balance, and emphasize well-angled forequarters. A correct forehand is becoming scarce in Sighthounds. Though we have diversity in our hunting Sighthounds, our blueprint requires "Shoulders, muscular, giving breadth of chest, set sloping. Elbows well under..." In competition, there were many IWs with upright shoulders whose construction was unbalanced with their hindquarters. To be clear, an upright shoulder occurs when the shoulder blades are nearly vertical, creating a wide-open angle. I also observed a few hounds who were forward-set. Best explained as the shoulder blades being set too far forward on the chest wall, directly affecting the prosternum placement resulting in a lack of fill or fore chest.
Faulty scapula (shoulder) angulation is typically accompanied by a straight(er) and/or short upper arm (Humerus) that limits the hound's reach. Fanciers must remember the fundamental principle that a dog cannot step beyond the angle joint of his shoulder. Oblique shoulders with an equally inclined upper arm (humerus) setting the elbows well under the body are required, both cannot be forsaken.
Sometimes we will see a good shoulder and a shorter or long but straight upper arm. In this case, the keen observer will detect faulty foot timing because of another fundamental principle in canine locomotion. The front leg should swing forward and then backward before hitting the ground. If a hound has a straight or short upper arm the front foot hits the ground before completing the full forward arc. The footpad will hit the ground first with force which we refer to as “pounding” causing a reverberation up the radius and forequarters.
The Sighthounds bred for sprinting and speed typically have a steeper or increased open shoulder angulation than the endurance Sighthounds. But fanciers should know that a Wolfhound is to be swift but is not a sprinter. He is a hunter of wolves and is, therefore, an endurance gazehound. Lastly, the old guard breeders always said that when you have a good front, do your absolute best not to lose it because once you get a bad front; it is almost impossible to get rid of in your breeding program.
One last important note; despite the photographers’ tireless efforts, many of the hounds simply did not wish to be stacked any longer and not all of their photos are good portrayals of what they looked like in person when they were more relaxed.
Northstar Specialty 2021
Sunday Conformation Results
Judge: Lisa Dube Forman
Ballyhara Irish Wolfhounds, Reg
I am proud to say that I have been an Irish Wolfhound devotee since 1984. From the beginning, I have never been without several Wolfhounds in my home as they are treasured companions above and beyond "show" dogs. Long before I bred my first litter and during my early formative years, I was a mentee in the breed under the guidance of several prominent hound and horse breeders. They spent time instructing me on the "true to nature" shape related to the hound and the horse's intended function or purpose. Alongside them, I was afforded invaluable hands-on training examining many dogs and scrutinizing movement. I learned to comprehend the canine musculoskeletal system. My mentors were vital in my schooling, and I was fortunate to have been their student. The maxim that we never stop learning, despite the 36 years, is as true today as it was in my beginnings. I have been an American Kennel Club (AKC) Judge since 2007 and am currently approved for twenty (20) Hound Group breeds. I have had the great pleasure of several inspiring judging appointments to include The Irish Wolfhound Club of Puget Sound, The Irish Wolfhound Association of the West Coast, The Norwegian Elkhound Minuteman Specialty, and a few other upcoming Specialty assignments. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to judge at many distinguished all-breed kennel clubs, such as The Kennel Club of Palm Springs, and am an approved A1 Judge for The Irish Wolfhound Club (UK).
Thank you for the privilege and distinction of judging your Specialty and your Wolfhounds. I look forward to seeing you all.
2—Puppy Dog 6 - 9 months
1—Puppy Dog 9 -12 months
2—Dog 12 - 18 month
2—Dog Bred-by-Exhibitor
3-Dog American Bred
3—Puppy Bitch 6 - 9 months
2—Puppy Bitch, 9 -12 months
2—Bitch 12 -18 months
4- Bitch Novice
5-Bitch Bred-by-Exhibitor
6-Bitch American Bred
5—Bitch Open
1- Veteran Dog, 7 years and older
5—Best of Breed (1, 4)
Best Puppy
Best Bred By
1-Brood Bitch
2-Best Type
4-Best Gait
Northstar Irish Wolfhound Club Specialty Commentary, June 20, 2021
By Lisa Dubé Forman, Ballyhara Irish Wolfhounds
What a wonderful opportunity afforded to me by the members of the Northstar Wolfhound Club! It certainly was a special occasion for me as I often reflect back on the wonderful hounds with a warm smile. An assignment like this brings me great pleasure, and I hope my love and affection for the breed were evident in my demeanor. It goes without saying, thank you so very much to you all for bringing me your noble hounds.
As a preface before sharing my thoughts, I want to stress the following. The true meaning of the word “critique" is to review or discuss critically, which itself is an analysis of both the merits and faults in an affirmative procedure. There is NO perfect hound, and any assessment of the hounds should not be perceived or taken as a personal slight. Keep foremost in mind that yesteryear's great sporting gentlemen and women who were considered experts in animal husbandry sought out and welcomed other authority evaluations as a way to improve their breeding stock.
Here is my multifold appraisal. First, I lead off with the criticism that there were many overweight hounds whose excess weight negatively affected their movement and center of gravity. In other words, their gait was rolling and somewhat labored. Fanciers should also understand that the extra pounds carried through the loin, flank, and abdomen shift the hound's center of gravity rearward. In drafting, drover breeds this is normal but not in a Sighthound whose center of gravity should be forward on chest up behind the elbow aiding in swiftness.
Equally concerning is the scarcity of sloping shoulders. As many of you know or will read, I seek shape, balance, and emphasize well-angled forequarters. A correct forehand is becoming scarce in Sighthounds. Though we have diversity in our hunting Sighthounds, our blueprint requires "Shoulders, muscular, giving breadth of chest, set sloping. Elbows well under..." In competition, there were many IWs with upright shoulders whose construction was unbalanced with their hindquarters. To be clear, an upright shoulder occurs when the shoulder blades are nearly vertical, creating a wide-open angle. I also observed a few hounds who were forward-set. Best explained as the shoulder blades being set too far forward on the chest wall, directly affecting the prosternum placement resulting in a lack of fill or fore chest.
Faulty scapula (shoulder) angulation is typically accompanied by a straight(er) and/or short upper arm (Humerus) that limits the hound's reach. Fanciers must remember the fundamental principle that a dog cannot step beyond the angle joint of his shoulder. Oblique shoulders with an equally inclined upper arm (humerus) setting the elbows well under the body are required, both cannot be forsaken.
Sometimes we will see a good shoulder and a shorter or long but straight upper arm. In this case, the keen observer will detect faulty foot timing because of another fundamental principle in canine locomotion. The front leg should swing forward and then backward before hitting the ground. If a hound has a straight or short upper arm the front foot hits the ground before completing the full forward arc. The footpad will hit the ground first with force which we refer to as “pounding” causing a reverberation up the radius and forequarters.
The Sighthounds bred for sprinting and speed typically have a steeper or increased open shoulder angulation than the endurance Sighthounds. But fanciers should know that a Wolfhound is to be swift but is not a sprinter. He is a hunter of wolves and is, therefore, an endurance gazehound. Lastly, the old guard breeders always said that when you have a good front, do your absolute best not to lose it because once you get a bad front; it is almost impossible to get rid of in your breeding program.
One last important note; despite the photographers’ tireless efforts, many of the hounds simply did not wish to be stacked any longer and not all of their photos are good portrayals of what they looked like in person when they were more relaxed.
First #226 Nightwings Mercy. WINNERS BITCH, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST OF BREED: Black, well-made, old-style balanced bitch. This lovely girl has length. She has a lovely, long neck blended nicely over laid-back shoulders with elbows well-set under. She is well-ribbed back with balanced rear. There is no over-exaggeration on her and that is the point. She has no excess or extremes. She quietly and calmly used herself while gaiting. I noted that she broke slightly in the pasterns while gaiting but otherwise had easy forward, ground covering rhythm and momentum.
DOB 1/1/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson
By: Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwings -- Nightwing's Defiance
First #226 Nightwings Mercy. WINNERS BITCH, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST OF BREED: Black, well-made, old-style balanced bitch. This lovely girl has length. She has a lovely, long neck blended nicely over laid-back shoulders with elbows well-set under. She is well-ribbed back with balanced rear. There is no over-exaggeration on her and that is the point. She has no excess or extremes. She quietly and calmly used herself while gaiting. I noted that she broke slightly in the pasterns while gaiting but otherwise had easy forward, ground covering rhythm and momentum.
DOB 1/1/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson
By: Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwings -- Nightwing's Defiance
Best of Opposite Sex #112 BRIMSTONES CONNEMARA REMDEY. While gaiting this still immature male could and would take his Handler for a ride. But, in the final go around, I saw a houndy, tall, gracefully built, rough-coated Greyhound-like male having very good daylight under him with a fluid gait, easy going, with very good reach and drive. This young Lad can fly so I recommend a long-legged strong Handler! I hope that his owners are able to work with him steadily as he matures to obtain composure. I look forward to seeing him in his prime
DOB 5/29/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Laurie Morris & Debbie Sharpe
By: Brimstone Connemara's Ransom -- Brimstone Boondocks Brooke
Best of Opposite Sex #112 BRIMSTONES CONNEMARA REMDEY. While gaiting this still immature male could and would take his Handler for a ride. But, in the final go around, I saw a houndy, tall, gracefully built, rough-coated Greyhound-like male having very good daylight under him with a fluid gait, easy going, with very good reach and drive. This young Lad can fly so I recommend a long-legged strong Handler! I hope that his owners are able to work with him steadily as he matures to obtain composure. I look forward to seeing him in his prime
DOB 5/29/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Laurie Morris & Debbie Sharpe
By: Brimstone Connemara's Ransom -- Brimstone Boondocks Brooke
First #112 Brimstone Connemara Remdey, WINNERS DOG, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX: This is a houndy, young, two year old male who looks the part. Meaning he is not overdone for his age and the observer can see he is not fully developed. This yearling has changed since I last judged him in early April. He has progressed where previously he was in a growth spurt, was unbalanced and
sinking in the hindquarters. Though still not self-assured he seems to have more confidence but still resists being stacked resulting in his tensing up and turning his hocks inward. Over the decades I have been familiar with this mentality so I strongly encourage his owner(s) to train the Lad to only self-stack. When he walks into his stance and is not poked and prodded his qualities shine and he relaxes. The best depiction of his natural shape is the American Bred Win photo portraying flowing lines from the occiput down a well-arched, long, strong neck with good blend-in over the withers back to a rising loin and well-rounded hindquarter. For his size and level of maturity, he is balanced fore and aft. Lovely width of first and second thighs. Lovely headpiece. Great leg length
DOB 5/29/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Laurie Morris & Debbie Sharpe
By: Brimstone Connemara's Ransom -- Brimstone Boondocks Brooke
First #112 Brimstone Connemara Remdey, WINNERS DOG, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX: This is a houndy, young, two year old male who looks the part. Meaning he is not overdone for his age and the observer can see he is not fully developed. This yearling has changed since I last judged him in early April. He has progressed where previously he was in a growth spurt, was unbalanced and
sinking in the hindquarters. Though still not self-assured he seems to have more confidence but still resists being stacked resulting in his tensing up and turning his hocks inward. Over the decades I have been familiar with this mentality so I strongly encourage his owner(s) to train the Lad to only self-stack. When he walks into his stance and is not poked and prodded his qualities shine and he relaxes. The best depiction of his natural shape is the American Bred Win photo portraying flowing lines from the occiput down a well-arched, long, strong neck with good blend-in over the withers back to a rising loin and well-rounded hindquarter. For his size and level of maturity, he is balanced fore and aft. Lovely width of first and second thighs. Lovely headpiece. Great leg length
DOB 5/29/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Laurie Morris & Debbie Sharpe
By: Brimstone Connemara's Ransom -- Brimstone Boondocks Brooke
WINNERS BITCH #226 Nightwings Mercy: Lovely, old-style hound with good bone who moved well, held her shape on the move and had symmetry.
DOB 1/1/2019
Breeder/Owners: Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Joel Mattson
By: Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwings -- Nightwing's Defiance
WINNERS BITCH #226 Nightwings Mercy: Lovely, old-style hound with good bone who moved well, held her shape on the move and had symmetry.
DOB 1/1/2019
Breeder/Owners: Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Joel Mattson
By: Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwings -- Nightwing's Defiance
Select Dog #301 Ch. Rockhart Raphael. Tall, substantial male with great presence. Great breadth throughout and well-sprung, but is very overweight which affected his movement. He has shape, style, is slightly shorter cast but curvy. Sweet disposition and truly a gentle giant. Lovely lines from the occiput over an incredibly powerful neck, nicely arched loin and rounded croup. His forehand is huge! Lovely expression. I would love to see this hound again after he loses weight.
DOB 1/19/2016
Breeder: Lynn Simon & B Renstrum
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Quiry
Owner: Lynn Simon
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
Select Dog #301 Ch. Rockhart Raphael. Tall, substantial male with great presence. Great breadth throughout and well-sprung, but is very overweight which affected his movement. He has shape, style, is slightly shorter cast but curvy. Sweet disposition and truly a gentle giant. Lovely lines from the occiput over an incredibly powerful neck, nicely arched loin and rounded croup. His forehand is huge! Lovely expression. I would love to see this hound again after he loses weight.
DOB 1/19/2016
Breeder: Lynn Simon & B Renstrum
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Quiry
Owner: Lynn Simon
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
Select Bitch #404 Ch. Culcara’s Aine the Alluring. What a pleasure to see yet another old-style bitch whose shape I loved and this one was from the gorgeous Fleetwind bloodlines. This typical, cream bitch is a terrific cast back in time having that crisp coat, balance fore and aft and the classic Fleetwind headpiece. Curvy topline on a definitely feminine houndy shape, she is longer cast, well ribbed back with moderate angulation. I could tweak the fore and hindquarters, such as more width of first and second thighs, but then I would be creating a different hound because this one is perfectly balanced. She moved soundly with a purpose.
DOB 10/15/2016
Breeder: Donna Drake, Lois Thomasson & Debi Mitchell
By: Irdalens Dirty Harry -- GCH Fleetwind Culcara Rubee Tuesday
Owner/Handler: Donna Cassini, Dale Knowlton, Donna & Ted Drake
Select Bitch #404 Ch. Culcara’s Aine the Alluring. What a pleasure to see yet another old-style bitch whose shape I loved and this one was from the gorgeous Fleetwind bloodlines. This typical, cream bitch is a terrific cast back in time having that crisp coat, balance fore and aft and the classic Fleetwind headpiece. Curvy topline on a definitely feminine houndy shape, she is longer cast, well ribbed back with moderate angulation. I could tweak the fore and hindquarters, such as more width of first and second thighs, but then I would be creating a different hound because this one is perfectly balanced. She moved soundly with a purpose.
DOB 10/15/2016
Breeder: Donna Drake, Lois Thomasson & Debi Mitchell
By: Irdalens Dirty Harry -- GCH Fleetwind Culcara Rubee Tuesday
Owner/Handler: Donna Cassini, Dale Knowlton, Donna & Ted Drake
First #31 Ch. Coleraine’s Elam. AWARD OF MERIT. A powerful 6.5-year-old male with substance, shape and curves beginning over a strong, long neck with excellent blend-in over the back, arched loin and rounded croup. Excellent topline and underline. Great width of first and second thighs but he lacks drive and needs more strength in the hocks to propel his size. He needs more forechest and fill for his proportions.
DOB 11/4/2014
Breeder: Maura High & Peg Carty
By: GCH Pinehurst Garret -- Joncarra's Rebound to Coleraine
Owner: Maura High & Karen Catov-Goodell Handler: Maura High
First #31 Ch. Coleraine’s Elam. AWARD OF MERIT. A powerful 6.5-year-old male with substance, shape and curves beginning over a strong, long neck with excellent blend-in over the back, arched loin and rounded croup. Excellent topline and underline. Great width of first and second thighs but he lacks drive and needs more strength in the hocks to propel his size. He needs more forechest and fill for his proportions.
DOB 11/4/2014
Breeder: Maura High & Peg Carty
By: GCH Pinehurst Garret -- Joncarra's Rebound to Coleraine
Owner: Maura High & Karen Catov-Goodell Handler: Maura High
First #101: Boondocks Mountain Ash. RESERVE WINNERS DOG/BEST PUPPY: Though somewhat plainer than the second-place hound, this Lad is well-made. He is well-knit in the sense that he was strongly put together (but not short-coupled). He had good bone, fluidity, length of leg and good neck. He had a good shoulder and very good length of upper arm. Balanced and well ribbed, nicely rounded croup. Easy going rhythm and very comfortable with himself. On the day, he was very competitive for Winners. I look forward to seeing how he turns out.
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
First #101: Boondocks Mountain Ash. RESERVE WINNERS DOG/BEST PUPPY: Though somewhat plainer than the second-place hound, this Lad is well-made. He is well-knit in the sense that he was strongly put together (but not short-coupled). He had good bone, fluidity, length of leg and good neck. He had a good shoulder and very good length of upper arm. Balanced and well ribbed, nicely rounded croup. Easy going rhythm and very comfortable with himself. On the day, he was very competitive for Winners. I look forward to seeing how he turns out.
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
First #101: Boondocks Mountain Ash. RESERVE WINNERS DOG: Though somewhat plainer than the second-place hound, this Lad is well-made. He is well-knit in the sense that he was strongly put together (but not short-coupled). He had good bone, fluidity, length of leg and good neck. He had a good shoulder and very good length of upper arm. Balanced and well ribbed, nicely rounded croup. Easy going rhythm and very comfortable with himself. On the day, he was very competitive for Winners. I look forward to seeing how he turns out.
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
First #101: Boondocks Mountain Ash. RESERVE WINNERS DOG: Though somewhat plainer than the second-place hound, this Lad is well-made. He is well-knit in the sense that he was strongly put together (but not short-coupled). He had good bone, fluidity, length of leg and good neck. He had a good shoulder and very good length of upper arm. Balanced and well ribbed, nicely rounded croup. Easy going rhythm and very comfortable with himself. On the day, he was very competitive for Winners. I look forward to seeing how he turns out.
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
RESERVE WINNERS BITCH #215 Tresmorn Bracken: Old Sulhamstead style bitch, quite lovely and moved out very well.
DOB 12/22/2017
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
By: Tresmorn the Abbott of Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara of Tresmorn
RESERVE WINNERS BITCH #215 Tresmorn Bracken: Old Sulhamstead style bitch, quite lovely and moved out very well.
DOB 12/22/2017
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
By: Tresmorn the Abbott of Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara of Tresmorn
First #31 Ch. Coleraine’s Elam. AWARD OF MERIT. A powerful 6.5-year-old male with substance, shape and curves beginning over a strong, long neck with excellent blend-in over the back, arched loin and rounded croup. Excellent topline and underline. Great width of first and second thighs but he lacks drive and needs more strength in the hocks to propel his size. He needs more forechest and fill for his proportions.
DOB 11/4/2014
Breeder: Maura High & Peg Carty
By: GCH Pinehurst Garret -- Joncarra's Rebound to Coleraine
Owner: Maura High & Karen Catov-Goodell Handler: Maura High
First #31 Ch. Coleraine’s Elam. AWARD OF MERIT. A powerful 6.5-year-old male with substance, shape and curves beginning over a strong, long neck with excellent blend-in over the back, arched loin and rounded croup. Excellent topline and underline. Great width of first and second thighs but he lacks drive and needs more strength in the hocks to propel his size. He needs more forechest and fill for his proportions.
DOB 11/4/2014
Breeder: Maura High & Peg Carty
By: GCH Pinehurst Garret -- Joncarra's Rebound to Coleraine
Owner: Maura High & Karen Catov-Goodell Handler: Maura High
First #101: Boondocks Mountain Ash. RESERVE WINNERS DOG: Though somewhat plainer than the second-place hound, this Lad is well-made. He is well-knit in the sense that he was strongly put together (but not short-coupled). He had good bone, fluidity, length of leg and good neck. He had a good shoulder and very good length of upper arm. Balanced and well ribbed, nicely rounded croup. Easy going rhythm and very comfortable with himself. On the day, he was very competitive for Winners. I look forward to seeing how he turns out.
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
First #101: Boondocks Mountain Ash. RESERVE WINNERS DOG: Though somewhat plainer than the second-place hound, this Lad is well-made. He is well-knit in the sense that he was strongly put together (but not short-coupled). He had good bone, fluidity, length of leg and good neck. He had a good shoulder and very good length of upper arm. Balanced and well ribbed, nicely rounded croup. Easy going rhythm and very comfortable with himself. On the day, he was very competitive for Winners. I look forward to seeing how he turns out.
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
Second #102: Nightwing’s Silent Sin: This young Lad was in a growth stage. A houndier Lad then the first-place dog. He has very good hindquarters, stifles nicely bent, lovely strong, long tail with a long, well-arched neck. He is straight in both the shoulder, the upper arm and has straight short pasterns and as a consequence is knuckling over in his wrist joints.
DOB 10/29/2020
Breeder/Owners: Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Joel Mattson
By: Nightwing's Hellfire -- Nightwing's Silent Temptation
Second #102: Nightwing’s Silent Sin: This young Lad was in a growth stage. A houndier Lad then the first-place dog. He has very good hindquarters, stifles nicely bent, lovely strong, long tail with a long, well-arched neck. He is straight in both the shoulder, the upper arm and has straight short pasterns and as a consequence is knuckling over in his wrist joints.
DOB 10/29/2020
Breeder/Owners: Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Joel Mattson
By: Nightwing's Hellfire -- Nightwing's Silent Temptation
First #108 Rockhart Magnum: This male is balanced fore and aft with a huge, powerful but short neck that had good toplines and underlines. He has a strong presence but is thick-set, compact and short-coupled. Definitely overweight and was stressed.
DOB 2/22/2020
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Valor
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
First #108 Rockhart Magnum: This male is balanced fore and aft with a huge, powerful but short neck that had good toplines and underlines. He has a strong presence but is thick-set, compact and short-coupled. Definitely overweight and was stressed.
DOB 2/22/2020
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Valor
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
Second #107: Coleraine’s Zion: Tall Lad with good leg length having a pleasant headpiece with long, level planes and rosed ears. Unfortunately, he is straight in angulation both in the forequarters and hindquarters and as a results lacks long and muscular wide thighs. Built more squarely, he also needs more length of ribbing.
DOB 5/21/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Maura High
By: CH Wolf Tone Mike -- Coleraine's Celebration
Second #107: Coleraine’s Zion: Tall Lad with good leg length having a pleasant headpiece with long, level planes and rosed ears. Unfortunately, he is straight in angulation both in the forequarters and hindquarters and as a results lacks long and muscular wide thighs. Built more squarely, he also needs more length of ribbing.
DOB 5/21/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Maura High
By: CH Wolf Tone Mike -- Coleraine's Celebration
First #110 Nightwings Headhunter: Black male with shapely, lovely necklines both under and over. Pretty headpiece —classic older style shape. Good shoulder layback balanced with hindquarters. He is somewhat feminine or bitchy in appearance and while gaiting was somewhat hackneyed when he was reaching bending at the wrist.
DOB 4/11/2017
Breeder/Owner: Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Joel Mattson
By: CH Nightwing's Preacher -- Nightwing’s Controversy
First #110 Nightwings Headhunter: Black male with shapely, lovely necklines both under and over. Pretty headpiece —classic older style shape. Good shoulder layback balanced with hindquarters. He is somewhat feminine or bitchy in appearance and while gaiting was somewhat hackneyed when he was reaching bending at the wrist.
DOB 4/11/2017
Breeder/Owner: Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Joel Mattson
By: CH Nightwing's Preacher -- Nightwing’s Controversy
Second #109 Tresmore Brogan: Tall, tall hound with plenty of leg length. Masculine, strong headpiece. Very good strong neck. He is more squarely built-in proportions and is lacking the greyhound-like shape. He needs more length of ribbing and his angulation is unbalanced.
DOB 12/22/2017
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
By: Tresmorn The Abbott of the Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday"s Ravensara of Tresmorn
Second #109 Tresmore Brogan: Tall, tall hound with plenty of leg length. Masculine, strong headpiece. Very good strong neck. He is more squarely built-in proportions and is lacking the greyhound-like shape. He needs more length of ribbing and his angulation is unbalanced.
DOB 12/22/2017
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
By: Tresmorn The Abbott of the Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday"s Ravensara of Tresmorn
First #112 Brimstone Connemara Remedy, WINNERS DOG, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX: This is a houndy, young, two year old male who looks the part. Meaning he is not overdone for his age and the observer can see he is not fully developed. This yearling has changed since I last judged him in early April. He has progressed where previously he was in a growth spurt, was unbalanced and sinking in the hindquarters. Though still not self-assured he seems to have more confidence but still resists being stacked resulting in his tensing up and turning his hocks inward. Over the decades I have been familiar with this mentality so I strongly encourage his owner(s) to train the Lad to only self-stack. When he walks into his stance and is not poked and prodded his qualities shine and he relaxes. The best depiction of his natural shape is the American Bred Win photo portraying flowing lines from the occiput down a well-arched, long, strong neck with good blend-in over the withers back to a rising loin and well-rounded hindquarter. For his size and level of maturity, he is balanced fore and aft. Lovely width of first and second thighs. Lovely headpiece. Great leg length.
DOB 5/29/2019
Breeder: Owners: Laurie Morris & Debbie Sharpe
By: Brimstone Connemara's Ransom -- Brimstone Boondocks Brooke
Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
First #112 Brimstone Connemara Remedy, WINNERS DOG, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX: This is a houndy, young, two year old male who looks the part. Meaning he is not overdone for his age and the observer can see he is not fully developed. This yearling has changed since I last judged him in early April. He has progressed where previously he was in a growth spurt, was unbalanced and sinking in the hindquarters. Though still not self-assured he seems to have more confidence but still resists being stacked resulting in his tensing up and turning his hocks inward. Over the decades I have been familiar with this mentality so I strongly encourage his owner(s) to train the Lad to only self-stack. When he walks into his stance and is not poked and prodded his qualities shine and he relaxes. The best depiction of his natural shape is the American Bred Win photo portraying flowing lines from the occiput down a well-arched, long, strong neck with good blend-in over the withers back to a rising loin and well-rounded hindquarter. For his size and level of maturity, he is balanced fore and aft. Lovely width of first and second thighs. Lovely headpiece. Great leg length.
DOB 5/29/2019
Breeder: Owners: Laurie Morris & Debbie Sharpe
By: Brimstone Connemara's Ransom -- Brimstone Boondocks Brooke
Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
Second #114 Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwing: Dark hound with pretty headpiece and curves from his occiput over a good neck and blend-in of the withers. His topline is soft and slightly roachy rising too soon over the thoracic and then lumbar region. He has a shorter length of croup which is not well-rounded resulting in a higher tail carriage, lack of angles in the stifle, and length, width of thighs.
DOB 3/21/2016
Breeder: Constance Smalley & Joel Mattson.
By: Prairie Creek Arthur -- Nightwings Sequestor at Prairie Creek
Owner: Joel Mattson, Magie Wolf & Constance Smalley
Handler: Joel Mattson
Third #Crook Lakes Northern Lites Deputy Jack: Big, powerful male built more squarely. Solid coupling. He is steep in the croup and lacks wide, long muscled first & second thighs. His forequarters are forward set on his frame as a result he is hollow in the forechest.
DOB 2/18/2019
Breeder: Mary Arends
By: CH Iconic Ovarrcaer Dallben -- CH Crook Lakes Aylish.
Owner/Handler: Jody Kistner
Second #114 Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwing: Dark hound with pretty headpiece and curves from his occiput over a good neck and blend-in of the withers. His topline is soft and slightly roachy rising too soon over the thoracic and then lumbar region. He has a shorter length of croup which is not well-rounded resulting in a higher tail carriage, lack of angles in the stifle, and length, width of thighs.
DOB 3/21/2016
Breeder: Constance Smalley & Joel Mattson.
By: Prairie Creek Arthur -- Nightwings Sequestor at Prairie Creek
Owner: Joel Mattson, Magie Wolf & Constance Smalley
Handler: Joel Mattson
Third #Crook Lakes Northern Lites Deputy Jack: Big, powerful male built more squarely. Solid coupling. He is steep in the croup and lacks wide, long muscled first & second thighs. His forequarters are forward set on his frame as a result he is hollow in the forechest.
DOB 2/18/2019
Breeder: Mary Arends
By: CH Iconic Ovarrcaer Dallben -- CH Crook Lakes Aylish.
Owner/Handler: Jody Kistner
First #203 Boondocks River Birch: Young bitch with length. Lovely headpiece with long planes. Nicely arched, long neck flowing over the withers with elbows set under herself. She lacks a houndier topline with the natural rise over the loin but she most likely is in a growth phase and given her body length at this stage, it is expected. She has good bone, well-ribbed back for her proportions and is balanced.
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra Cushla McCree
First #203 Boondocks River Birch: Young bitch with length. Lovely headpiece with long planes. Nicely arched, long neck flowing over the withers with elbows set under herself. She lacks a houndier topline with the natural rise over the loin but she most likely is in a growth phase and given her body length at this stage, it is expected. She has good bone, well-ribbed back for her proportions and is balanced.
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra Cushla McCree
Second# 201 Boondocks Sequoia at Nightwing: Littermate to first place, she is taller, houndier, and has great daylight under her. She is very friendly and sweet, with a wonderful temperament. She is upright in the shoulder and needs more length of ribbing for her proportions. She has excellent driving hocks on well-made hindquarters. Note to her Breeder/Owners, please do not lose these driving, flexing hocks!
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
Owner: Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Joel Mattson
Third #202 Nightwing’s Silent Angel: Houndy, stylish, dark pretty bitch with a lovely headpiece. Flowing lines from her occiput down over her arched loin. Great length of body. Her shoulder assembly is built rather upright and is unbalanced with her lovely rear. Limited notes.
DOB 10/29/2020
Breeder/Owners:Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Wendy Mattson
By: Nightwing's Hellfire -- Nightwing's Silient Temptation
Second# 201 Boondocks Sequoia at Nightwing: Littermate to first place, she is taller, houndier, and has great daylight under her. She is very friendly and sweet, with a wonderful temperament. She is upright in the shoulder and needs more length of ribbing for her proportions. She has excellent driving hocks on well-made hindquarters. Note to her Breeder/Owners, please do not lose these driving, flexing hocks!
DOB 10/14/2020
Breeder: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
Owner: Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Joel Mattson
Third #202 Nightwing’s Silent Angel: Houndy, stylish, dark pretty bitch with a lovely headpiece. Flowing lines from her occiput down over her arched loin. Great length of body. Her shoulder assembly is built rather upright and is unbalanced with her lovely rear. Limited notes.
DOB 10/29/2020
Breeder/Owners:Joel & Wendy Mattson Handler: Wendy Mattson
By: Nightwing's Hellfire -- Nightwing's Silient Temptation
First #206 Rockin’ K Flashy Friday at Nightwing: Yearling with white socks has acceptable shoulder layback but is paired with a short, straighter upper arm. Pretty headpiece and expression. Good width of loin. Weak in the second thigh, needs more width and also is long in the tibia.
DOB 7/29/2020
Breeder: Kimberly Boyette
By: CH Nightwing's Deception -- CH Asheeragh of Shantamon
Owner/Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson
(These two littermates had varying virtues)
First #206 Rockin’ K Flashy Friday at Nightwing: Yearling with white socks has acceptable shoulder layback but is paired with a short, straighter upper arm. Pretty headpiece and expression. Good width of loin. Weak in the second thigh, needs more width and also is long in the tibia.
DOB 7/29/2020
Breeder: Kimberly Boyette
By: CH Nightwing's Deception -- CH Asheeragh of Shantamon
Owner/Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson
(These two littermates had varying virtues)
First #208 Rockhart Mafia: My notes state the following but her photo appears to be quite contrasting. Most likely as she is not a photogenic hound and she looks like two different bitches on either side. Powerful, handsome doggy bitch with a pretty headpiece. Needs more strength in neck as it lacks both a strong top and underline. Has good shoulders. Needs more width and length of first and second thighs. I awarded this bitch based on the construction of her forequarters over her littermate.
DOB 2/22/2020
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Valor
Handler: Mindy Ballinger
First #208 Rockhart Mafia: My notes state the following but her photo appears to be quite contrasting. Most likely as she is not a photogenic hound and she looks like two different bitches on either side. Powerful, handsome doggy bitch with a pretty headpiece. Needs more strength in neck as it lacks both a strong top and underline. Has good shoulders. Needs more width and length of first and second thighs. I awarded this bitch based on the construction of her forequarters over her littermate.
DOB 2/22/2020
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Valor
Handler: Mindy Ballinger
Second #209 Rockhart Malice: This handsome, powerful bitch needed more length of upper arm. She had substance with a wide loin but shorter coupling. Needs more width of first and second thigh for her proportions but overall better rear.
DOB 2/22/2020
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Valor
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
Second #209 Rockhart Malice: This handsome, powerful bitch needed more length of upper arm. She had substance with a wide loin but shorter coupling. Needs more width of first and second thigh for her proportions but overall better rear.
DOB 2/22/2020
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Valor
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
First #214 Rockhart Kenya: Pretty, dark bitch. Shapely, with flowing curves from a lovely headpiece with long, level planes down a strong neck and very good blend-in of the withers. The curves continue over the rise of the loin. She has a shorter length of croup with a higher tail set while gaiting.
DOB 10/26/2019
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Elation
First #214 Rockhart Kenya: Pretty, dark bitch. Shapely, with flowing curves from a lovely headpiece with long, level planes down a strong neck and very good blend-in of the withers. The curves continue over the rise of the loin. She has a shorter length of croup with a higher tail set while gaiting.
DOB 10/26/2019
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Elation
Second #212 Rockhart Mawingo. Dark, houndy with pretty shape who is littermate to first place. Good forequarters on this bitch with strong underline. Lovely headpiece with long, level planes and strong, deep neck. She needs more width in the first and second thigh. Paddling while gaiting.
DOB 10/29/2019
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhvigo -- Rockhart Elation
Handler: Mindy Ballinger
Third #211 Hearthound’s Jelly Bean. Lovely, old-style headpiece and expression on this bitch with long, level planes. Strong neck with very good, flowing topline over nicely arched, wide loin with very good underline to match. She lacks forechest and is an average mover as she lacks well-bent stifles.
DOB 11/13/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Mary O'Malley & Marian Levin
By: CH Coleraine's Elam -- Gemini's Irish Queen of Hearthound
Second #212 Rockhart Mawingo. Dark, houndy with pretty shape who is littermate to first place. Good forequarters on this bitch with strong underline. Lovely headpiece with long, level planes and strong, deep neck. She needs more width in the first and second thigh. Paddling while gaiting.
DOB 10/29/2019
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Zhvigo -- Rockhart Elation
Handler: Mindy Ballinger
Third #211 Hearthound’s Jelly Bean. Lovely, old-style headpiece and expression on this bitch with long, level planes. Strong neck with very good, flowing topline over nicely arched, wide loin with very good underline to match. She lacks forechest and is an average mover as she lacks well-bent stifles.
DOB 11/13/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Mary O'Malley & Marian Levin
By: CH Coleraine's Elam -- Gemini's Irish Queen of Hearthound
First #215 Tresmorn Bracken. RESERVE WINNERS BITCH: Love this very old-style that we do not see much of, if at all, anymore. She reminds me of the Sulhamstead hounds, Max specifically, and also Seplecur lines from the 70s & early 80s. She is a proud bitch. She has curves coming off the backskull from her classic headpiece with long, level planes and old soul expression flowing over a lovely crested neck with strong neck top and underlines. Smooth blend-in over the withers with a good front that sets her elbows under her body. Ideal length of torso having a flowing topline over a very good loin and well-rounded croup. Crisp coat. Uses herself on the move. She can use more width of second thigh. Tough choice between Winners and Reserve.
DOB 12/22/2017
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
By: Tresmorn The Abbott of the Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday"s Ravensara of Tresmorn
First #215 Tresmorn Bracken. RESERVE WINNERS BITCH: Love this very old-style that we do not see much of, if at all, anymore. She reminds me of the Sulhamstead hounds, Max specifically, and also Seplecur lines from the 70s & early 80s. She is a proud bitch. She has curves coming off the backskull from her classic headpiece with long, level planes and old soul expression flowing over a lovely crested neck with strong neck top and underlines. Smooth blend-in over the withers with a good front that sets her elbows under her body. Ideal length of torso having a flowing topline over a very good loin and well-rounded croup. Crisp coat. Uses herself on the move. She can use more width of second thigh. Tough choice between Winners and Reserve.
DOB 12/22/2017
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
By: Tresmorn The Abbott of the Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday"s Ravensara of Tresmorn
Second #216 Boondocks Season of the Witch: Lovely, shapely dark grey bitch who I have judged before. She has undergone a remarkable transformation gaining much needed confidence. Beautiful headpiece. Lovely layback of shoulders which sets her elbows well under is and balanced with equally lovely hindquarters. Very good underline with belly well drawn up. Well-rounded croup with hocks well-let down. Topline slightly off with a dip behind the anticlinal vertebrae and she loses her shape on the move.
DOB 8/21/2019
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: CH Boondocks Tangent of Cushla McCree -- CH Boondocks To Kill a Mockingbird
Third #217 Rockhart Raptur: Powerhouse, masculine bitch with a lovely, strong headpiece and expression. She has the shape, bone, headpiece but is overstated. Huge front end that is well-laid back but is loaded. Equally balanced, strapping hindquarters. Substance galore.
DOB 11/7/2018
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Ushara
Fourth #218 Coleraine’s Celebration: She is a typey, older style bitch with a lovely, greyed foreface. Good length of neck with depth. She needed more forechest as her forequarters are set too far forward on her frame. Slightly falling away in the croup.
DOB 12/29/2015
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Maura High
By: CH Taliesin's Realtbhuion -- CH Coleraine's Solitary Moon
Second #216 Boondocks Season of the Witch: Lovely, shapely dark grey bitch who I have judged before. She has undergone a remarkable transformation gaining much needed confidence. Beautiful headpiece. Lovely layback of shoulders which sets her elbows well under is and balanced with equally lovely hindquarters. Very good underline with belly well drawn up. Well-rounded croup with hocks well-let down. Topline slightly off with a dip behind the anticlinal vertebrae and she loses her shape on the move.
DOB 8/21/2019
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: CH Boondocks Tangent of Cushla McCree -- CH Boondocks To Kill a Mockingbird
Third #217 Rockhart Raptur: Powerhouse, masculine bitch with a lovely, strong headpiece and expression. She has the shape, bone, headpiece but is overstated. Huge front end that is well-laid back but is loaded. Equally balanced, strapping hindquarters. Substance galore.
DOB 11/7/2018
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Ushara
Fourth #218 Coleraine’s Celebration: She is a typey, older style bitch with a lovely, greyed foreface. Good length of neck with depth. She needed more forechest as her forequarters are set too far forward on her frame. Slightly falling away in the croup.
DOB 12/29/2015
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Maura High
By: CH Taliesin's Realtbhuion -- CH Coleraine's Solitary Moon
First #226 Nightwings Mercy. WINNERS BITCH, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST OF BREED: Black, well-made, old-style balanced bitch. This lovely girl has length. She has a lovely, long neck blended nicely over laid-back shoulders with elbows well-set under. She is well-ribbed back with balanced rear. There is no over-exaggeration on her and that is the point. She has no excess or extremes. She quietly and calmly used herself while gaiting. I noted that she broke slightly in the pasterns while gaiting but otherwise had easy forward, ground covering rhythm and momentum.
DOB 1/1/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson
By: Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwings -- Nightwing's Defiance
First #226 Nightwings Mercy. WINNERS BITCH, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST OF BREED: Black, well-made, old-style balanced bitch. This lovely girl has length. She has a lovely, long neck blended nicely over laid-back shoulders with elbows well-set under. She is well-ribbed back with balanced rear. There is no over-exaggeration on her and that is the point. She has no excess or extremes. She quietly and calmly used herself while gaiting. I noted that she broke slightly in the pasterns while gaiting but otherwise had easy forward, ground covering rhythm and momentum.
DOB 1/1/2019
Breeder/Owners/Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson
By: Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwings -- Nightwing's Defiance
Second #225 Rysheron’s Ophelia at Boondocks: Lovely, bitch with a very pretty headpiece. Balanced fore and aft with length of body. I would like to see her elbows set more under herself. Good flowing topline. Limited notes.
DOB 12/26/2018
Breeder: Cheryl Riggs & Jeffrey Lindley
By: CH Brimstone Midas at Rysherons -- CH Olivia of Beltine
Owner: Jeanie Pitzenberger & Laurie Morris
Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
Third #227 Tresmorn Bristol: Big, powerful bitch with substance —anymore and she would be too big. I love this bitch old-style. She is very pretty with the classic old-style headpiece set-on a super strong neck, crest and carriage. Lovely forequarters with very nice long upper arm. Very good breadth of loin and croup. Very good width of first & second thighs. However, she needs more arch and flexibility in her topline. While gaiting she flattens out and loses shape. She was out-moved by the first two placements.
DOB 12/22/2017
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
By: Tresmorn The Abbott of Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara of Tresmorn
Fourth #223 Rockhart Valor: Big, powerhouse bitch with balanced angulation fore and aft. Lovely flow of curves off her occiput, neck, withers, arched loin and croup. She is a heavy-duty, masculine bitch with huge bone and is workmanlike. Crisp coat.
DOB 2/2/2016
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Soraya
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
Second #225 Rysheron’s Ophelia at Boondocks: Lovely, bitch with a very pretty headpiece. Balanced fore and aft with length of body. I would like to see her elbows set more under herself. Good flowing topline. Limited notes.
DOB 12/26/2018
Breeder: Cheryl Riggs & Jeffrey Lindley
By: CH Brimstone Midas at Rysherons -- CH Olivia of Beltine
Owner: Jeanie Pitzenberger & Laurie Morris
Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
Third #227 Tresmorn Bristol: Big, powerful bitch with substance —anymore and she would be too big. I love this bitch old-style. She is very pretty with the classic old-style headpiece set-on a super strong neck, crest and carriage. Lovely forequarters with very nice long upper arm. Very good breadth of loin and croup. Very good width of first & second thighs. However, she needs more arch and flexibility in her topline. While gaiting she flattens out and loses shape. She was out-moved by the first two placements.
DOB 12/22/2017
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
By: Tresmorn The Abbott of Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara of Tresmorn
Fourth #223 Rockhart Valor: Big, powerhouse bitch with balanced angulation fore and aft. Lovely flow of curves off her occiput, neck, withers, arched loin and croup. She is a heavy-duty, masculine bitch with huge bone and is workmanlike. Crisp coat.
DOB 2/2/2016
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Soraya
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
First #231 Rockhart Yesterday’s Ravensara of Tresmorn. Lovely, old fashioned style bitch who is balanced. She has lovely width throughout. Ample bone. Beautiful headpiece with an old soulful expression having long, level planes and set on strong neck carriage with good top and underlines. Her shapely topline rises beautifully over a very strong coupling and flank. Again, I love this bitch’s style as she is reminiscent of the Sulhamstead lines of the 1950s and 1960s, Max comes to mind again. How nice to see that she is the Dam of RWB. This breeder should be very proud of these class bitches. I would scoot off with all three of them!
DOB 7/17/2015
Breeder: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Nicklai - - Rockhart Raphaela Requiem
Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
First #231 Rockhart Yesterday’s Ravensara of Tresmorn. Lovely, old fashioned style bitch who is balanced. She has lovely width throughout. Ample bone. Beautiful headpiece with an old soulful expression having long, level planes and set on strong neck carriage with good top and underlines. Her shapely topline rises beautifully over a very strong coupling and flank. Again, I love this bitch’s style as she is reminiscent of the Sulhamstead lines of the 1950s and 1960s, Max comes to mind again. How nice to see that she is the Dam of RWB. This breeder should be very proud of these class bitches. I would scoot off with all three of them!
DOB 7/17/2015
Breeder: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Nicklai - - Rockhart Raphaela Requiem
Owner/Handler: Beth Renstrom
Second #230 Walela Through the Looking Glass. Lovely, grey bitch whose angulation is balanced but she needs more fill and substance in her forechest most likely as her forequarters are set-on too far forward. She has good spring of rib. Nice length overall with flowing topline and underline. She did not move out as I expected.
DOB 12/13/2017
Breeder: Angela Forrest-Burge
By: Lismore Stoneybrook Forbidden Broadway -- Pitlochry's Odette
Owner: Mindy Ballinger, Angela Forrest Burge, Jaqueline Carswell
Handler:Mindy Ballinger
Third #229 Rockhart Endeavor: Big, powerful bitch with very large bone. Super strong neck and well laid back but perhaps loaded shoulder. She is balanced and has breadth, width throughout but is workmanlike and less houndy than the first two. She is paddling in the front while gaiting.
DOB 2/2/2016
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Soraya
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
Very hard decision deciding between these two old-style but different bitches. I loved them both as each had wonderful virtues and if bred wisely, should contribute high quality to the perpetuation of our breed.
Second #230 Walela Through the Looking Glass. Lovely, grey bitch whose angulation is balanced but she needs more fill and substance in her forechest most likely as her forequarters are set-on too far forward. She has good spring of rib. Nice length overall with flowing topline and underline. She did not move out as I expected.
DOB 12/13/2017
Breeder: Angela Forrest-Burge
By: Lismore Stoneybrook Forbidden Broadway -- Pitlochry's Odette
Owner: Mindy Ballinger, Angela Forrest Burge, Jaqueline Carswell
Handler:Mindy Ballinger
Third #229 Rockhart Endeavor: Big, powerful bitch with very large bone. Super strong neck and well laid back but perhaps loaded shoulder. She is balanced and has breadth, width throughout but is workmanlike and less houndy than the first two. She is paddling in the front while gaiting.
DOB 2/2/2016
Breeder/Owner: Lynn Simon
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Soraya
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
Very hard decision deciding between these two old-style but different bitches. I loved them both as each had wonderful virtues and if bred wisely, should contribute high quality to the perpetuation of our breed.
DOB 1/19/2016
Breeder: Lynn Simon & B Renstrum
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Quiry
Owner: Lynn Simon
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
DOB 1/19/2016
Breeder: Lynn Simon & B Renstrum
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Quiry
Owner: Lynn Simon
Handler: Kimberley Boyette
DOB 8/21/2019
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: CH Boondocks Tangent of Cushla McCree -- CH Boondocks To Kill a Mockingbird
DOB 8/21/2019
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger
By: CH Boondocks Tangent of Cushla McCree -- CH Boondocks To Kill a Mockingbird