Message from Per:
When I received the invitation to judge the Northstar Irish Wolfhound show I was delighted, especially judging it on the same weekend with a colleague I respect a lot, Chris Amoo. I have heard over the years that the quality of dogs at this specialty was high, and I was not disappointed.
I started out in nice weather, but as usual when I judge overseas it started to rain. I feel sorry for the dogs, owners, and handlers when the weather is not good, and everybody does not get the opportunity to show themselves from their best side. But I must say that both dogs and handlers managed it so well, I didn´t even realize it was raining.
From the day I got the invitation until the day I left everything worked out really well. So, a big thank you to the team who arranged the show and everything around it.
I loved the accommodations, and I had an enjoyable time with Chris discussing mostly Irish Wolfhound and dog breeding, but our discussions went further than that. If we had stayed a couple of more days, I think we would have solved most problems of the world today. I really enjoyed the time we spent together – a reminder that we are all much more than just our kennel and dogs.
It was a great entry with a lot of dogs of high quality. In general, there were many dogs with really strong powerful fronts. There were a quite few dogs that were really nice built but needed more height of legs. I also saw some dogs with temperament too weak to be typical for the breed.
I have written detailed critiques so I will not go into details of my winner, but it made me really happy to have veterans which were able to compete for the top placements. I also had a stud dog and a brood bitch which were of excellent type and quality. They were not entered in the regular classes but would have been competing for the top awards if they had been.
After the show I had the opportunity to stay a couple of days with Lynn Simon, kennel Rockhart. This was special since I have admired his breeding for many years and his dogs have had a profound influence on the Irish Wolfhounds in Europe. It also gave me the opportunity to watch films from regional and national specialty shows all the way back to the 1980s. The discussions I had with Lynn and Chris enhanced my knowledge and understanding of our beloved breed. I think the opportunity for people in the breed to sit down and discuss and exchange experiences is so important. You really learn a lot from these occasions. I wish I had more time and opportunity to do that. Once more a thank you to the organization, those who made all the arrangements, and all the owners and handlers for making this trip so special.
Conformation Unofficial Results
Winner Best of Breed
#039 Castlekeep's Prodigious
DOB 9/1/2020
By: Castlekeep's Steel Will -- Castlekeep's Patience
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Absolutely outstanding lovely proportions. Strong head well set ears and soft expression. Excellent angulated in fron and rearm with lovely width of thighs. Strong bone and feet. Lovely body and forechest. Move easy and fluentently totally effortless. He uses his upper arm to fulfill the stride. Love this dog
DOB 9/1/2020
By: Castlekeep's Steel Will -- Castlekeep's Patience
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Absolutely outstanding lovely proportions. Strong head well set ears and soft expression. Excellent angulated in fron and rearm with lovely width of thighs. Strong bone and feet. Lovely body and forechest. Move easy and fluentently totally effortless. He uses his upper arm to fulfill the stride. Love this dog
2nd PLACE Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
#098 Taliesin's Brice TC LGRA
DOB 10/7/2017
By: CH Taliesin's Rhionganedd -- Taliesin's Realta Scuaibe
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna & David Smith / Donna & David Smith
Judges Comment: Lovely outline made by soft s curves, she keeps her profile from standing on the move with a low ground covering gait. True coming and going. Strong well developed body and a very good forechest. Excellent angulated in front and hindquarters. Harsh coat. Strong bone and feet.
DOB 10/7/2017
By: CH Taliesin's Rhionganedd -- Taliesin's Realta Scuaibe
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna & David Smith / Donna & David Smith
Judges Comment: Lovely outline made by soft s curves, she keeps her profile from standing on the move with a low ground covering gait. True coming and going. Strong well developed body and a very good forechest. Excellent angulated in front and hindquarters. Harsh coat. Strong bone and feet.
Winner Best of Winners
#039 Castlekeep's Prodigious
DOB 9/1/2020
By: Castlekeep's Steel Will -- Castlekeep's Patience
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Absolutely outstanding lovely proportions. Strong head well set ears and soft expression. Excellent angulated in fron and rearm with lovely width of thighs. Strong bone and feet. Lovely body and forechest. Move easy and fluentently totally effortless. He uses his upper arm to fulfill the stride. Love this dog
DOB 9/1/2020
By: Castlekeep's Steel Will -- Castlekeep's Patience
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Absolutely outstanding lovely proportions. Strong head well set ears and soft expression. Excellent angulated in fron and rearm with lovely width of thighs. Strong bone and feet. Lovely body and forechest. Move easy and fluentently totally effortless. He uses his upper arm to fulfill the stride. Love this dog
Winner Winners Dog
#039 Castlekeep's Prodigious
DOB 9/1/2020
By: Castlekeep's Steel Will -- Castlekeep's Patience
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Absolutely outstanding lovely proportions. Strong head well set ears and soft expression. Excellent angulated in fron and rearm with lovely width of thighs. Strong bone and feet. Lovely body and forechest. Move easy and fluentently totally effortless. He uses his upper arm to fulfill the stride. Love this dog
DOB 9/1/2020
By: Castlekeep's Steel Will -- Castlekeep's Patience
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Absolutely outstanding lovely proportions. Strong head well set ears and soft expression. Excellent angulated in fron and rearm with lovely width of thighs. Strong bone and feet. Lovely body and forechest. Move easy and fluentently totally effortless. He uses his upper arm to fulfill the stride. Love this dog
2nd PLACE Reserve Winners Dog
#047 Coleraine's Cortez Bereton
DOB 7/15/2019
By: CH Coleraine's Elam -- CH Coleraine's Shae At Bereton
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High & Lesa L Newbitt / Maura High
Judges Comment: Excellent type and proportions, lovely under- and the topline. Excellent well placed shoulder and upperarm, also very well angulated in rear. Very strong bone. Lovely body and very good forechest. Strong head soft expression. Moves really well from all sides. There is alot to like about this boy!
DOB 7/15/2019
By: CH Coleraine's Elam -- CH Coleraine's Shae At Bereton
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High & Lesa L Newbitt / Maura High
Judges Comment: Excellent type and proportions, lovely under- and the topline. Excellent well placed shoulder and upperarm, also very well angulated in rear. Very strong bone. Lovely body and very good forechest. Strong head soft expression. Moves really well from all sides. There is alot to like about this boy!
Winner Winners Bitch
#098 Taliesin's Brice TC LGRA
DOB 10/7/2017
By: CH Taliesin's Rhionganedd -- Taliesin's Realta Scuaibe
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna & David Smith / Donna & David Smith
Judges Comment: Lovely outline made by soft s curves, she keeps her profile from standing on the move with a low ground covering gait. True coming and going. Strong well developed body and a very good forechest. Excellent angulated in front and hindquarters. Harsh coat. Strong bone and feet.
DOB 10/7/2017
By: CH Taliesin's Rhionganedd -- Taliesin's Realta Scuaibe
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna & David Smith / Donna & David Smith
Judges Comment: Lovely outline made by soft s curves, she keeps her profile from standing on the move with a low ground covering gait. True coming and going. Strong well developed body and a very good forechest. Excellent angulated in front and hindquarters. Harsh coat. Strong bone and feet.
2nd PLACE Reserve Winners Bitch
#070 Rockhart Mawingo
DOB 10/26/2019
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Lovely balanced bitch. Strong neck and topline which she keeps really well on the move. Love her shoulder and forechest. Well filled out between her front legs. Very wellangulated hindquarters with excellent width of first and second thigh. Strong bone. Has her own will but moves really well when she wants. Really good coat.
DOB 10/26/2019
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Lovely balanced bitch. Strong neck and topline which she keeps really well on the move. Love her shoulder and forechest. Well filled out between her front legs. Very wellangulated hindquarters with excellent width of first and second thigh. Strong bone. Has her own will but moves really well when she wants. Really good coat.
Winner Select Dog
#063 GCH R Noble Nasch
DOB 7/11/2018
By: Lismore Stoneybrook Forbidden Broadway -- Dun Myrica R Noble Nuala Of Eagle
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joe & Kathy Roland / Joe & Kathy Roland
Judges Comment: Strong powerful male, built on soft s-curves. Very well angulated in front and rear. Strong body and forechest. Very good width in first and second thigh. Very good head and expression with very good rose ears. Moves well from all sides. Well-presented.
DOB 7/11/2018
By: Lismore Stoneybrook Forbidden Broadway -- Dun Myrica R Noble Nuala Of Eagle
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joe & Kathy Roland / Joe & Kathy Roland
Judges Comment: Strong powerful male, built on soft s-curves. Very well angulated in front and rear. Strong body and forechest. Very good width in first and second thigh. Very good head and expression with very good rose ears. Moves well from all sides. Well-presented.
Winner Select Bitch
#122 CH Prairie Creek Queen Clarisse CGC
DOB 1/10/2021
By: CH Pinehurst Rolexx -- Ch Prairie Creek Pretty Pricilla
Breeder/Owner Handler: Margaret Wolfe, Constance C. Smalley, Joel Mattson / Jody Kistner, Margaret Wolfe, Ronnie Smalley, Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: Lovely made bitch. Soft outlines. Very balanced angulated. Wellbodied. Very good neck-, under- and topline. Excellent bone and feet. Carries herself well from all sides. Head with correct details and soft expression. Well presented.
DOB 1/10/2021
By: CH Pinehurst Rolexx -- Ch Prairie Creek Pretty Pricilla
Breeder/Owner Handler: Margaret Wolfe, Constance C. Smalley, Joel Mattson / Jody Kistner, Margaret Wolfe, Ronnie Smalley, Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: Lovely made bitch. Soft outlines. Very balanced angulated. Wellbodied. Very good neck-, under- and topline. Excellent bone and feet. Carries herself well from all sides. Head with correct details and soft expression. Well presented.
Winner Best Puppy
#024 Starkeeper Huntersrun Juniper At R Noble
DOB 9/8/2023
By: R Noble Nasch -- Huntersrun Starkeeper Bellina
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joe & Kathy Roland / Joe & Kathy Roland & Jacqueline K. Corswell
Judges Comment: I love her spirit, but she really makes it hard for her Handler. Long head and with well set ears, and an expression full of mischievousness. She is very well and balanced angulated. Very good top- and underline, well bodied for her age. Moves really well, from all sides, when she decides to do so.
DOB 9/8/2023
By: R Noble Nasch -- Huntersrun Starkeeper Bellina
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joe & Kathy Roland / Joe & Kathy Roland & Jacqueline K. Corswell
Judges Comment: I love her spirit, but she really makes it hard for her Handler. Long head and with well set ears, and an expression full of mischievousness. She is very well and balanced angulated. Very good top- and underline, well bodied for her age. Moves really well, from all sides, when she decides to do so.
Winner Best Bred-by-Exhibitor
#098 Taliesin's Brice TC LGRA
DOB 10/7/2017
By: CH Taliesin's Rhionganedd -- Taliesin's Realta Scuaibe
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna & David Smith / Donna & David Smith
Judges Comment: Lovely outline made by soft s curves, she keeps her profile from standing on the move with a low ground covering gait. True coming and going. Strong well developed body and a very good forechest. Excellent angulated in front and hindquarters. Harsh coat. Strong bone and feet.
DOB 10/7/2017
By: CH Taliesin's Rhionganedd -- Taliesin's Realta Scuaibe
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna & David Smith / Donna & David Smith
Judges Comment: Lovely outline made by soft s curves, she keeps her profile from standing on the move with a low ground covering gait. True coming and going. Strong well developed body and a very good forechest. Excellent angulated in front and hindquarters. Harsh coat. Strong bone and feet.
Winner Best Veteran
#V-014 Nightwings Silent Temptation
DOB 12/29/2017
By: CH Nightwings Deception -- Nightwings Silent Scream
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Joel & Wendy Mattson
Judges Comment: A very typy veteran bitch, long fluent curvy lines. Lovely head and expression. Well laid back of shoulder, excellent balanced angulation. Exc. Width of thighs. Well bodied and excellent top- and underline for her age. Excellent bone. Moves very well from all sides and keeps her beutiful correcty outline.
DOB 12/29/2017
By: CH Nightwings Deception -- Nightwings Silent Scream
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Joel & Wendy Mattson
Judges Comment: A very typy veteran bitch, long fluent curvy lines. Lovely head and expression. Well laid back of shoulder, excellent balanced angulation. Exc. Width of thighs. Well bodied and excellent top- and underline for her age. Excellent bone. Moves very well from all sides and keeps her beutiful correcty outline.
Winner Award of Merit
#V-014 Nightwings Silent Temptation
DOB 12/29/2017
By: CH Nightwings Deception -- Nightwings Silent Scream
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Joel & Wendy Mattson
Judges Comment: A very typy veteran bitch, long fluent curvy lines. Lovely head and expression. Well laid back of shoulder, excellent balanced angulation. Exc. Width of thighs. Well bodied and excellent top- and underline for her age. Excellent bone. Moves very well from all sides and keeps her beutiful correcty outline.
DOB 12/29/2017
By: CH Nightwings Deception -- Nightwings Silent Scream
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Joel & Wendy Mattson
Judges Comment: A very typy veteran bitch, long fluent curvy lines. Lovely head and expression. Well laid back of shoulder, excellent balanced angulation. Exc. Width of thighs. Well bodied and excellent top- and underline for her age. Excellent bone. Moves very well from all sides and keeps her beutiful correcty outline.
2nd PLACE Award of Merit
#061 GCH CH Boondocks Mountain Ash
DOB 10/14/2020
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
Breeder/Owner Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger / Jeanie Pitzenberger
Judges Comment: Excellent head and expression. Neck with an arch on the right place. Shows plenty of daylight under him. Very good underline. Well laidback shoulder and upperarm. Very good croup. Strong hindquarters. Moves very well coming and going. Balanced gait from side.
DOB 10/14/2020
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
Breeder/Owner Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger / Jeanie Pitzenberger
Judges Comment: Excellent head and expression. Neck with an arch on the right place. Shows plenty of daylight under him. Very good underline. Well laidback shoulder and upperarm. Very good croup. Strong hindquarters. Moves very well coming and going. Balanced gait from side.
Winner Veteran Dog
#v-011 CH Coleraine's Cathbhadh Incubator Jones
DOB 12/29/2015
By: GCH Taliesin's Realtbhuian -- CH Coleraine's Solitary Moon
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High / Maura High and Mike & Alissa Muffley
Judges Comment: Well balanced 8 ½ year male which moves well for his age but becomes a bit low over shoulder on the move but has a balanced length of step. Moves very good comming and going. Very good angulated front, a bit straight in pasterns and flat feet. Hindquarters is in balance with front angulation. Nice arch over loin and strong topline. Excellent underline. Parallel planes in head, very soft expression. Well set but ears which he could carry better. Very good coat quality. Very good temperament.
DOB 12/29/2015
By: GCH Taliesin's Realtbhuian -- CH Coleraine's Solitary Moon
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High / Maura High and Mike & Alissa Muffley
Judges Comment: Well balanced 8 ½ year male which moves well for his age but becomes a bit low over shoulder on the move but has a balanced length of step. Moves very good comming and going. Very good angulated front, a bit straight in pasterns and flat feet. Hindquarters is in balance with front angulation. Nice arch over loin and strong topline. Excellent underline. Parallel planes in head, very soft expression. Well set but ears which he could carry better. Very good coat quality. Very good temperament.
2nd PLACE Veteran Dog
#v-013 Tresmorn Brogan
DOB 12/22/2017
By: Tresmorn The Abbott Of Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara Of Tresmorn
Breeder/Owner Handler: Beth Renstrom / Beth Renstrom
Judges Comment: Excellent type and proportions on this 6 ½ years old veteran male. Very masculine head and expression, excellent pigmentation. Beautiful correct neck set and very good shoulder. Upright upperam and a bit wide in front standing and moving. Strong broad croup and very well angulated hind quarters but could be stronger in his hocks, standing and moving. Loses his topline on the move, but very balanced step. Very good coat. Very good temperament. Well presented
DOB 12/22/2017
By: Tresmorn The Abbott Of Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara Of Tresmorn
Breeder/Owner Handler: Beth Renstrom / Beth Renstrom
Judges Comment: Excellent type and proportions on this 6 ½ years old veteran male. Very masculine head and expression, excellent pigmentation. Beautiful correct neck set and very good shoulder. Upright upperam and a bit wide in front standing and moving. Strong broad croup and very well angulated hind quarters but could be stronger in his hocks, standing and moving. Loses his topline on the move, but very balanced step. Very good coat. Very good temperament. Well presented
Winner Veteran Bitch
#v-014 Nightwings Silent Temptation
DOB 12/29/2017
By: CH Nightwings Deception -- Nightwings Silent Scream
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Joel & Wendy Mattson
Judges Comment: A very typy veteran bitch, long fluent curvy lines. Lovely head and expression. Well laid back of shoulder, excellent balanced angulation. Exc. Width of thighs. Well bodied and excellent top- and underline for her age. Excellent bone. Moves very well from all sides and keeps her beutiful correcty outline.
DOB 12/29/2017
By: CH Nightwings Deception -- Nightwings Silent Scream
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Joel & Wendy Mattson
Judges Comment: A very typy veteran bitch, long fluent curvy lines. Lovely head and expression. Well laid back of shoulder, excellent balanced angulation. Exc. Width of thighs. Well bodied and excellent top- and underline for her age. Excellent bone. Moves very well from all sides and keeps her beutiful correcty outline.
2nd PLACE Veteran Bitch
#v-018 Tresmorn Bristol
DOB 12/22/2017
By: Tresmorn The Abbott Of Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara Of Tresmorn
Breeder/Owner Handler: Beth Renstrom / Beth Renstrom
Judges Comment: Bitch with excellent proportions. Very good head and expression. Well laid shoulder and excellent set of neck. Deep and well ribbed back ribcage, strong but a bit long in loin. Is a little bit soft in her coat. Moves really well from all sides for her age but could be bit stronger in hocks. Carries her tail excellent. Well presented.
DOB 12/22/2017
By: Tresmorn The Abbott Of Windmill -- Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara Of Tresmorn
Breeder/Owner Handler: Beth Renstrom / Beth Renstrom
Judges Comment: Bitch with excellent proportions. Very good head and expression. Well laid shoulder and excellent set of neck. Deep and well ribbed back ribcage, strong but a bit long in loin. Is a little bit soft in her coat. Moves really well from all sides for her age but could be bit stronger in hocks. Carries her tail excellent. Well presented.
3rd PLACE Veteran Bitch
#v-016 Rockhart Rapture
DOB 11/7/2017
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Ushara
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Strong powerful bitch, which could have a bit more legs. Becomes bit soft in top line both standing and moving. Brisket with very good spring of ribs, but her breastbone is a bit short. Underline could be more drown up. Very good head and expression could carry her ears better. Excellent angulated and powerful movement when she wants, having a hard timer coordinating and becomes a bit high in front.
DOB 11/7/2017
By: Rockhart Xavier -- Rockhart Ushara
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Strong powerful bitch, which could have a bit more legs. Becomes bit soft in top line both standing and moving. Brisket with very good spring of ribs, but her breastbone is a bit short. Underline could be more drown up. Very good head and expression could carry her ears better. Excellent angulated and powerful movement when she wants, having a hard timer coordinating and becomes a bit high in front.
4th PLACE Veteran Bitch
#v-012 Coleraine's Celebration
DOB 12/29/2015
By: CH Taliesin's Realtbhuion -- CH Colerain's Solitary Moon
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High / Maura High
Judges Comment: Beautiful type standing on the day she’s not Moving really clean on her left back and that’s why I place her as number 4 today. She has a beautiful head and expression well-made shoulder and well angulated upper arm. Excellent brisket strong croup and excellent hindquarters. Liker her a lot.
DOB 12/29/2015
By: CH Taliesin's Realtbhuion -- CH Colerain's Solitary Moon
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High / Maura High
Judges Comment: Beautiful type standing on the day she’s not Moving really clean on her left back and that’s why I place her as number 4 today. She has a beautiful head and expression well-made shoulder and well angulated upper arm. Excellent brisket strong croup and excellent hindquarters. Liker her a lot.
Winner Puppy 6-9 Month Dog
#015 Wolfholm Zero-Sum Game at Stormborn
DOB 11/3/2023
By: CH Solas Captain Morgan Of Glenamadda -- Jalapeno Picante Of Wolfholm
Breeder/Owner Handler: Ewa Boldok / Lauren Swick
Judges Comment: Excellent proportions and size. He is well-built both in front and rear. Well-made head a little bit light eyes, ears well set but a little big and thick. Is not in best coat condition on the day. Long brisket strong loin well muscle lovely set of first and second thigh. Balance movement from all sides. Promising puppy.
DOB 11/3/2023
By: CH Solas Captain Morgan Of Glenamadda -- Jalapeno Picante Of Wolfholm
Breeder/Owner Handler: Ewa Boldok / Lauren Swick
Judges Comment: Excellent proportions and size. He is well-built both in front and rear. Well-made head a little bit light eyes, ears well set but a little big and thick. Is not in best coat condition on the day. Long brisket strong loin well muscle lovely set of first and second thigh. Balance movement from all sides. Promising puppy.
2nd PLACE Puppy 6-9 Month Dog
#011 Ianina's Dasher
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / A.I. Gottsch
Judges Comment: Front is a bit straight and forward set. He has a little bit flat ears , soft expression. Is in a growth period at the moment. Tendency to knockling over in pasterns. Has a nice first and second thigh. He needs to seattle bu has a frame to grow into. Soft puppy coat
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / A.I. Gottsch
Judges Comment: Front is a bit straight and forward set. He has a little bit flat ears , soft expression. Is in a growth period at the moment. Tendency to knockling over in pasterns. Has a nice first and second thigh. He needs to seattle bu has a frame to grow into. Soft puppy coat
3rd PLACE Puppy 6-9 Month Dog
#013 Winston Wyatt Whitfield
DOB 11/29/2023
By: Rjs Desinpelo Cy -- Rjs Spook
Breeder/Owner Handler: Rene Thyrston / Jimmy and Mike Whitfield
Judges Comment: He is today upright in front and rear. On the move he becomes a little bit high over the croup and gets a hightail. lovely Express soft expression well set ears. Suitable bone but has a little bit flat feet. Moves with short step but in balance. Excellent coat very well handled
DOB 11/29/2023
By: Rjs Desinpelo Cy -- Rjs Spook
Breeder/Owner Handler: Rene Thyrston / Jimmy and Mike Whitfield
Judges Comment: He is today upright in front and rear. On the move he becomes a little bit high over the croup and gets a hightail. lovely Express soft expression well set ears. Suitable bone but has a little bit flat feet. Moves with short step but in balance. Excellent coat very well handled
Winner Puppy 9-12 Month Dog
#021 Slaine Shellane Marcato
DOB 6/25/2023
By: Ch. Shellane Braniff -- Ch. Callaid Slaine Merremia Emo'di
Breeder/Owner Handler: C. A. Bernstein, R. Bernstein, Helen Philpott / Christine Bernstein
Judges Comment: Excellent type and proportions. Nice masculin head and expression, well set rose ears. Very well angulated in front and rear. Well bodied, strong loin and croup. Correct top- and underline. Strong bone. Moving very balanced now and then, has a bit of a problem coordinating now and then. Harsch coat and very well presented.
DOB 6/25/2023
By: Ch. Shellane Braniff -- Ch. Callaid Slaine Merremia Emo'di
Breeder/Owner Handler: C. A. Bernstein, R. Bernstein, Helen Philpott / Christine Bernstein
Judges Comment: Excellent type and proportions. Nice masculin head and expression, well set rose ears. Very well angulated in front and rear. Well bodied, strong loin and croup. Correct top- and underline. Strong bone. Moving very balanced now and then, has a bit of a problem coordinating now and then. Harsch coat and very well presented.
2nd PLACE Puppy 9-12 Month Dog
#017 Custail Eamonn at Rosach Ridge
DOB 7/10/2023
By: Cluain Ard Fergus Mac Roich -- Custail Carmenere
Breeder/Owner Handler: Brian Heide / Kathleen & John Rose
Judges Comment: A wheaten boy which is upright in angulation both in front and rear. Long head with very good proportions and strong jaws. Enough neck, and a bit steep neck set. A very good top and underline, has a long loin which makes it a bit flat. Ribcage could have more spring of rib. Suitable bone very good coat structure. Moves short but balanced with a high tail.
DOB 7/10/2023
By: Cluain Ard Fergus Mac Roich -- Custail Carmenere
Breeder/Owner Handler: Brian Heide / Kathleen & John Rose
Judges Comment: A wheaten boy which is upright in angulation both in front and rear. Long head with very good proportions and strong jaws. Enough neck, and a bit steep neck set. A very good top and underline, has a long loin which makes it a bit flat. Ribcage could have more spring of rib. Suitable bone very good coat structure. Moves short but balanced with a high tail.
3rd PLACE Puppy 9-12 Month Dog
#023 Xerxes Roan Inish
DOB 6/26/2023
By: Glenfels The Boy From OZ -- Quebradita Roan Inish
Breeder/Owner Handler: Petra Tomasovicova / Michelle Prescott-Guderian
Judges Comment: Strong powerful head which could have more level planes, big flat ears. Very strong neck. Becomes low over shoulder on the move. Balanced angulated but is a bit short ion legs in the front and has a tendency to knockling over and also toeing out. Enough lengt of second thigh, hocks could be stronger. Strong body and very good croup. Very good coat structure and nice temperament.
DOB 6/26/2023
By: Glenfels The Boy From OZ -- Quebradita Roan Inish
Breeder/Owner Handler: Petra Tomasovicova / Michelle Prescott-Guderian
Judges Comment: Strong powerful head which could have more level planes, big flat ears. Very strong neck. Becomes low over shoulder on the move. Balanced angulated but is a bit short ion legs in the front and has a tendency to knockling over and also toeing out. Enough lengt of second thigh, hocks could be stronger. Strong body and very good croup. Very good coat structure and nice temperament.
Winner 12-18 Month Dog
#025 Castlekeep's Iceman at Boondocks
DOB 5/27/2023
By: CH Castlekeep's Integrity -- GCH Castlekeep's Scarlet Magnolia NC
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Jeanie Pitzenberger & Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Very balanced male lovely balanced angulation, nice body well ribbed back. Lovely head an expression, really a lean and clean head. Still needs to develop the lower part of the brisket. Suitable bone and feet. On the move he really is in balance, and from all sides easy active and paralell. Very good coat structure.
DOB 5/27/2023
By: CH Castlekeep's Integrity -- GCH Castlekeep's Scarlet Magnolia NC
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Jeanie Pitzenberger & Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Very balanced male lovely balanced angulation, nice body well ribbed back. Lovely head an expression, really a lean and clean head. Still needs to develop the lower part of the brisket. Suitable bone and feet. On the move he really is in balance, and from all sides easy active and paralell. Very good coat structure.
2nd PLACE 12-18 Month Dog
#029 Rockhart Resolution
DOB 3/19/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon & Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: Strong and powerful boy. lovely head and expression lovely set of shoulders lovely strong croup and hindquarters nice width of both first and second thigh. A bit weak in hocks. Well bodied. Strong hard coat. Moves powerful but a bit thight in rear
DOB 3/19/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon & Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: Strong and powerful boy. lovely head and expression lovely set of shoulders lovely strong croup and hindquarters nice width of both first and second thigh. A bit weak in hocks. Well bodied. Strong hard coat. Moves powerful but a bit thight in rear
3rd PLACE 12-18 Month Dog
#031 Windseeker Farrell
DOB 4/26/2023
By: Lonnkyle Phlyer -- Lonnkyle Foinaven Solace
Breeder/Owner Handler: Ann Brockett / Ann Brockett
Judges Comment: Well-constructed boy, but still a little bit narrow in the lower part of the ribcage which restract the movement in front a bit. Very good width of first and second thigh, strong croup. Well developed ribcage and very good underline and topline. Unfortunately, he didnt move as he promised stacked. Nice frame to grow into. Stroing hard coat.
DOB 4/26/2023
By: Lonnkyle Phlyer -- Lonnkyle Foinaven Solace
Breeder/Owner Handler: Ann Brockett / Ann Brockett
Judges Comment: Well-constructed boy, but still a little bit narrow in the lower part of the ribcage which restract the movement in front a bit. Very good width of first and second thigh, strong croup. Well developed ribcage and very good underline and topline. Unfortunately, he didnt move as he promised stacked. Nice frame to grow into. Stroing hard coat.
4th PLACE 12-18 Month Dog
#033 Windseeker FBomb
DOB 4/26/2023
By: Lonnkyle Phlyer -- Lonnkyle Foinaven Solace
Breeder/Owner Handler: Ann Brockett / Donna Smith
Judges Comment: Strong head with parallel planes and excellent pigmentation, a bit floppy ears. Very good under- and topline, Well developed ribcage. correct coat. Balanced angulatrd. Happy temperament. Didn't move out freely in the backend and therefore became abit unbalanced.
DOB 4/26/2023
By: Lonnkyle Phlyer -- Lonnkyle Foinaven Solace
Breeder/Owner Handler: Ann Brockett / Donna Smith
Judges Comment: Strong head with parallel planes and excellent pigmentation, a bit floppy ears. Very good under- and topline, Well developed ribcage. correct coat. Balanced angulatrd. Happy temperament. Didn't move out freely in the backend and therefore became abit unbalanced.
Winner Bred by Exhibitor Dog
#047 Coleraine's Cortez Bereton
DOB 7/15/2019
By: CH Coleraine's Elam -- CH Coleraine's Shae At Bereton
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High & Lesa L Newbitt / Maura High
Judges Comment: Excellent type and proportions, lovely under- and the topline. Excellent well placed shoulder and upperarm, also very well angulated in rear. Very strong bone. Lovely body and very good forechest. Strong head soft expression. Moves really well from all sides. There is alot to like about this boy!
DOB 7/15/2019
By: CH Coleraine's Elam -- CH Coleraine's Shae At Bereton
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High & Lesa L Newbitt / Maura High
Judges Comment: Excellent type and proportions, lovely under- and the topline. Excellent well placed shoulder and upperarm, also very well angulated in rear. Very strong bone. Lovely body and very good forechest. Strong head soft expression. Moves really well from all sides. There is alot to like about this boy!
Winner American Bred Dog
#049 Rockhart Magnum
DOB 2/22/2020
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Valor
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Big powerful male which could have more legs. Strong masculine head a little bit round eyes. Excellent forechest and ribcage. Very good under- and topline. Strong bone and feet. Lovely width the first or second thigh. A bit erratic on the move which didn't show his true potential.
DOB 2/22/2020
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Valor
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Big powerful male which could have more legs. Strong masculine head a little bit round eyes. Excellent forechest and ribcage. Very good under- and topline. Strong bone and feet. Lovely width the first or second thigh. A bit erratic on the move which didn't show his true potential.
2nd PLACE American Bred Dog
#051 Wyvern's Toast To Odin
DOB 12/21/2022
By: Pinehurst Hendrix -- Caraglen Wyvern Sprezzatura
Breeder/Owner Handler: Melanie Mercer / Melanie Mercer & Greg Mercer
Judges Comment: Very good type, a bit short on front legs. Balanced angulated in front and rear with strong bone, but a bit flat feet. Masculine head a bit floppy ear. Has soft coat. Also didn’t cooperate while moving and a bit stressed. Now and then moved quite balanced but a bit low over shoulder.
DOB 12/21/2022
By: Pinehurst Hendrix -- Caraglen Wyvern Sprezzatura
Breeder/Owner Handler: Melanie Mercer / Melanie Mercer & Greg Mercer
Judges Comment: Very good type, a bit short on front legs. Balanced angulated in front and rear with strong bone, but a bit flat feet. Masculine head a bit floppy ear. Has soft coat. Also didn’t cooperate while moving and a bit stressed. Now and then moved quite balanced but a bit low over shoulder.
Winner Open Dog
#039 Castlekeep's Prodigious
DOB 9/1/2020
By: Castlekeep's Steel Will -- Castlekeep's Patience
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Absolutely outstanding lovely proportions. Strong head well set ears and soft expression. Excellent angulated in fron and rearm with lovely width of thighs. Strong bone and feet. Lovely body and forechest. Move easy and fluentently totally effortless. He uses his upper arm to fulfill the stride. Love this dog
DOB 9/1/2020
By: Castlekeep's Steel Will -- Castlekeep's Patience
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Absolutely outstanding lovely proportions. Strong head well set ears and soft expression. Excellent angulated in fron and rearm with lovely width of thighs. Strong bone and feet. Lovely body and forechest. Move easy and fluentently totally effortless. He uses his upper arm to fulfill the stride. Love this dog
2nd PLACE Open Dog
#041 Coleraine's Zenith of Taliesin
DOB 5/21/2020
By: CH Wolf Tone Mike -- Colerain's Celebration
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High / Donna & David Smith and Maura High
Judges Comment: Excellent type lovely head and expression well set rose ears. Well Laid back Shoulder and upper arm, strong body and strong croup. Could have stronger hocks, so on the move you don't get that true power from from the rear. But balanced movement from the side. I love his head an expression which is something special.
DOB 5/21/2020
By: CH Wolf Tone Mike -- Colerain's Celebration
Breeder/Owner Handler: Maura High / Donna & David Smith and Maura High
Judges Comment: Excellent type lovely head and expression well set rose ears. Well Laid back Shoulder and upper arm, strong body and strong croup. Could have stronger hocks, so on the move you don't get that true power from from the rear. But balanced movement from the side. I love his head an expression which is something special.
3rd PLACE Open Dog
#043 Rockhart Resolve at Nightwings
DOB 10/24/2021
By: Nightwings Silent Persuasion -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Excellent proportion between height and length of body, but a little bit short in in first and second thigh which makes the bum a little bit high. nice width the of thighs. Could have more angulation. Strong bone and feet. Rib cage is down to the elbow. little bit light eyes but still soft expression, well set rose ears. A bit short step. Lovely temperament .
DOB 10/24/2021
By: Nightwings Silent Persuasion -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Excellent proportion between height and length of body, but a little bit short in in first and second thigh which makes the bum a little bit high. nice width the of thighs. Could have more angulation. Strong bone and feet. Rib cage is down to the elbow. little bit light eyes but still soft expression, well set rose ears. A bit short step. Lovely temperament .
Winner Puppy 6-9 Month Bitch
#012 Ianina's Comet at Thornberry
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / Glenna Rice
Judges Comment: Very balanced angulated in front and rear, long brisket strong loin with a beautiful arch over the loin. Very sweet head, excellent proportions between skull and muzzle. Nice set of thin ears, although she could carry them a little bit better. Good Feet nice width of croup first and second thigh. Moves well. A beautiful frame to grew into.
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / Glenna Rice
Judges Comment: Very balanced angulated in front and rear, long brisket strong loin with a beautiful arch over the loin. Very sweet head, excellent proportions between skull and muzzle. Nice set of thin ears, although she could carry them a little bit better. Good Feet nice width of croup first and second thigh. Moves well. A beautiful frame to grew into.
2nd PLACE Puppy 6-9 Month Bitch
#014 Ianina's Vixen At Odd Duck Farm
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / Kim Oliver & A.l. Gottsch & Michael Cherry
Judges Comment: Head with parallel planes and a very sweet soft expression. Well set but ears which she could carry better. Balanced angulated but could do with a little bit more angulation. She carries her selves well and are using her anatomy in a good way. Excellent bone and feet.
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / Kim Oliver & A.l. Gottsch & Michael Cherry
Judges Comment: Head with parallel planes and a very sweet soft expression. Well set but ears which she could carry better. Balanced angulated but could do with a little bit more angulation. She carries her selves well and are using her anatomy in a good way. Excellent bone and feet.
Winner Puppy 9-12 Month Bitch
#024 Starkeeper Huntersrun Juniper At R Noble
DOB 9/8/2023
By: R Noble Nasch -- Huntersrun Starkeeper Bellina
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joe & Kathy Roland / Joe & Kathy Roland & Jacqueline K. Corswell
Judges Comment: I love her spirit, but she really makes it hard for her Handler. Long head and with well set ears, and an expression full of mischievousness. She is very well and balanced angulated. Very good top- and underline, well bodied for her age. Moves really well, from all sides, when she decides to do so.
DOB 9/8/2023
By: R Noble Nasch -- Huntersrun Starkeeper Bellina
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joe & Kathy Roland / Joe & Kathy Roland & Jacqueline K. Corswell
Judges Comment: I love her spirit, but she really makes it hard for her Handler. Long head and with well set ears, and an expression full of mischievousness. She is very well and balanced angulated. Very good top- and underline, well bodied for her age. Moves really well, from all sides, when she decides to do so.
2nd PLACE Puppy 9-12 Month Bitch
#018 Gemini's Don't Feed After Midnight
DOB 9/13/2023
By: Castlekeep's Mr Marvelous At Wolfhaven -- Gemini's Big Girls Need Big Diamonds
Breeder/Owner Handler: Marian Levin / Marian Levin
Judges Comment: Excellent type, size and proportions. I really like her, but she needs more confidence and also show it on the move. Lovely head but the expression is a little bit spoiled because she's a little bit insecure. Nice set of shoulder and neck set into shoulder. Ribbed back bricet with very good depth for her age. Correct underline and topline. Very good coat.
DOB 9/13/2023
By: Castlekeep's Mr Marvelous At Wolfhaven -- Gemini's Big Girls Need Big Diamonds
Breeder/Owner Handler: Marian Levin / Marian Levin
Judges Comment: Excellent type, size and proportions. I really like her, but she needs more confidence and also show it on the move. Lovely head but the expression is a little bit spoiled because she's a little bit insecure. Nice set of shoulder and neck set into shoulder. Ribbed back bricet with very good depth for her age. Correct underline and topline. Very good coat.
3rd PLACE Puppy 9-12 Month Bitch
#016 Brimstone Tylomar Honey Mead
DOB 8/6/2023
By: Brimstone Rebel Souls at Boondocks -- Brimstone Devine
Breeder/Owner Handler: Laurie Morris / Laurie Morris
Judges Comment: Beautiful dark brindle bitch which is a little bit insecure. On the move she is a little bit erratic. Built on soft lines. Suitable bone very well angulated long excellent broad croup. Very good head a little bit flat ears and expression is spoiled by her temperament. Correct bone and feet harsh coat.
DOB 8/6/2023
By: Brimstone Rebel Souls at Boondocks -- Brimstone Devine
Breeder/Owner Handler: Laurie Morris / Laurie Morris
Judges Comment: Beautiful dark brindle bitch which is a little bit insecure. On the move she is a little bit erratic. Built on soft lines. Suitable bone very well angulated long excellent broad croup. Very good head a little bit flat ears and expression is spoiled by her temperament. Correct bone and feet harsh coat.
4th PLACE Puppy 9-12 Month Bitch
#022 Slaine Shellane Dorian
DOB 6/25/2023
By: Ch. Shellane Braniff -- Ch. Callaid Slaine Merremia Emo'di
Breeder/Owner Handler: C. A. Bernstein, R. Bernstein, Helen Philpott / Christine Bernstein
Judges Comment: Excellent size proportions well-made head, Eye’s is a little bit round. Could do with a bit more confidence. Long shoulder and upperarm, which is very well angulated. Well bodied. Strong croup which is falling off, very good width of first and second thigh. Toing out in rear which affects hindquarter movements and coordination, and movement becomes a bit irregular. Nice temperament. Promising youngster.
DOB 6/25/2023
By: Ch. Shellane Braniff -- Ch. Callaid Slaine Merremia Emo'di
Breeder/Owner Handler: C. A. Bernstein, R. Bernstein, Helen Philpott / Christine Bernstein
Judges Comment: Excellent size proportions well-made head, Eye’s is a little bit round. Could do with a bit more confidence. Long shoulder and upperarm, which is very well angulated. Well bodied. Strong croup which is falling off, very good width of first and second thigh. Toing out in rear which affects hindquarter movements and coordination, and movement becomes a bit irregular. Nice temperament. Promising youngster.
Winner 12-18 Month Bitch
#028 Castlekeep's Imogen
DOB 5/27/2023
By: CH Castlekeep's Integrity -- GCH Castlekeep's Scarlet Magnolia NC
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Excellent type, size and proportions. Built on the correct s-curves, which she keeps on the move. Well-built very well and balanced angulated lovely width first and second thigh. Very good head, well set ears. Soft expression. Strong suitable bone & feet. Excellent coat. Moves excellent from all sides.
DOB 5/27/2023
By: CH Castlekeep's Integrity -- GCH Castlekeep's Scarlet Magnolia NC
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna Tomson / Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Excellent type, size and proportions. Built on the correct s-curves, which she keeps on the move. Well-built very well and balanced angulated lovely width first and second thigh. Very good head, well set ears. Soft expression. Strong suitable bone & feet. Excellent coat. Moves excellent from all sides.
2nd PLACE 12-18 Month Bitch
#038 Rockhart Nightwings Amira on Fire
DOB 5/7/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Nightwings on Fire at Rockhart
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon & Joel Mattson / Dr Lynn Simon & Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: Excellent type excellent size proportions. Very good head planes with excellent length, nice details. Lovely set of shoulder very good upper arm. Strong croup excellent first and second thigh. Very good under-and upper line with soft s-curves. Unfortunately, she was not moving as beautiful as she was standing on the day. A bit narrow behind and could use her hindquarters better.
DOB 5/7/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Nightwings on Fire at Rockhart
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon & Joel Mattson / Dr Lynn Simon & Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: Excellent type excellent size proportions. Very good head planes with excellent length, nice details. Lovely set of shoulder very good upper arm. Strong croup excellent first and second thigh. Very good under-and upper line with soft s-curves. Unfortunately, she was not moving as beautiful as she was standing on the day. A bit narrow behind and could use her hindquarters better.
3rd PLACE 12-18 Month Bitch
#044 Rockhart Raphaella
DOB 4/16/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Rockhart Rapture
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Well-made bitch. Very good proportions we between height and length. Very good head, really soft expression well set ears. Neck well set into shoulders, well bodied. Very good topline standing. Strong croup could be a little bit stronger in hock angles coming and going, and also going around. But she carries herself really with balanced step. Strong bone.
DOB 4/16/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Rockhart Rapture
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Well-made bitch. Very good proportions we between height and length. Very good head, really soft expression well set ears. Neck well set into shoulders, well bodied. Very good topline standing. Strong croup could be a little bit stronger in hock angles coming and going, and also going around. But she carries herself really with balanced step. Strong bone.
4th PLACE 12-18 Month Bitch
#036 Rockhart Medora
DOB 5/19/2023
By: Rockhart Resolve at Nightwings -- Rockhart Mafia
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Strong powerful bitch with lot of qualities. Soft s-lines Very well angulated, nice neck set. Strong powerful body, very good width of first and second thigh. Strong bone. Harsh coat. Balanced movement
DOB 5/19/2023
By: Rockhart Resolve at Nightwings -- Rockhart Mafia
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Strong powerful bitch with lot of qualities. Soft s-lines Very well angulated, nice neck set. Strong powerful body, very good width of first and second thigh. Strong bone. Harsh coat. Balanced movement
Winner Novice Bitch
#082 Rockhart Revelation
DOB 4/15/2022
By: Rockhart Magnum -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: She has a lovely angulation in front and rear, lovely width of first of second thigh. Neck smoothly set into shoulder, a little bit soft and topline. Lovely had an expression. Could be more filled out between the front legs. Moves well from all sides, using her angulation well. Excellent strong bone. Could do with a little bit more confidence.
DOB 4/15/2022
By: Rockhart Magnum -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: She has a lovely angulation in front and rear, lovely width of first of second thigh. Neck smoothly set into shoulder, a little bit soft and topline. Lovely had an expression. Could be more filled out between the front legs. Moves well from all sides, using her angulation well. Excellent strong bone. Could do with a little bit more confidence.
2nd PLACE Novice Bitch
#080 Rockhart Renoor
DOB 4/16/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Rockhart Rapture
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Elegant and feminine bitch could do with it more body for her age. Nice neck and topline. Balanced angulated in the front and rear. Very good body, harsh coat. Narrow coming and going and a little bit loose in front but nicely balanced movement from side
DOB 4/16/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Rockhart Rapture
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Elegant and feminine bitch could do with it more body for her age. Nice neck and topline. Balanced angulated in the front and rear. Very good body, harsh coat. Narrow coming and going and a little bit loose in front but nicely balanced movement from side
3rd PLACE Novice Bitch
#086 Rockhart Soul
DOB 4/15/2022
By: Rockhart Magnum -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr. Lynn Simon / Marcia Miller
Judges Comment: Strong bitch which could have a bit more legs. Balanced head with a soft expression. A bit short neck. Is a bit soft in topline and could have a better tuck up. A bit upright in front and hindquarter angulation. Carries her tail a bit high on the move. Moves a bit short. Not in best coat on the day-
DOB 4/15/2022
By: Rockhart Magnum -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr. Lynn Simon / Marcia Miller
Judges Comment: Strong bitch which could have a bit more legs. Balanced head with a soft expression. A bit short neck. Is a bit soft in topline and could have a better tuck up. A bit upright in front and hindquarter angulation. Carries her tail a bit high on the move. Moves a bit short. Not in best coat on the day-
4th PLACE Novice Bitch
#072 Custail Genuine Risk
DOB 10/21/2022
By: Cluain Ard Fergus Mac Roich -- Custail Carmenere
Breeder/Owner Handler: Brian Heide / Elizabeth Royal
Judges Comment: Sweet head and expression with well set ears. Very good pigmentation. A bit flat topline. Could have more angulations in front and rear. Body needs more development and needs to fill out between her front legs. Suitable bone and feet. Moves balanced but a bit short, narrow in rear and a bit loose in front.
DOB 10/21/2022
By: Cluain Ard Fergus Mac Roich -- Custail Carmenere
Breeder/Owner Handler: Brian Heide / Elizabeth Royal
Judges Comment: Sweet head and expression with well set ears. Very good pigmentation. A bit flat topline. Could have more angulations in front and rear. Body needs more development and needs to fill out between her front legs. Suitable bone and feet. Moves balanced but a bit short, narrow in rear and a bit loose in front.
Winner Bred by Exhibitor Bitch
#098 Taliesin's Brice TC LGRA
DOB 10/7/2017
By: CH Taliesin's Rhionganedd -- Taliesin's Realta Scuaibe
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna & David Smith / Donna & David Smith
Judges Comment: Lovely outline made by soft s curves, she keeps her profile from standing on the move with a low ground covering gait. True coming and going. Strong well developed body and a very good forechest. Excellent angulated in front and hindquarters. Harsh coat. Strong bone and feet.
DOB 10/7/2017
By: CH Taliesin's Rhionganedd -- Taliesin's Realta Scuaibe
Breeder/Owner Handler: Donna & David Smith / Donna & David Smith
Judges Comment: Lovely outline made by soft s curves, she keeps her profile from standing on the move with a low ground covering gait. True coming and going. Strong well developed body and a very good forechest. Excellent angulated in front and hindquarters. Harsh coat. Strong bone and feet.
2nd PLACE Bred by Exhibitor Bitch
#088 Boondocks Sequoia at Nightwing
DOB 10/14/2020
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
Breeder/Owner Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger / Jeanie Pitzenberger & Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Feminine head and expression with well set ears. Very well angulated in front and hindquarters, but could be a bit stronger in hocks. Well bodied and very good forechest. Moves well from side but a bit narrow in rear. Harsh coat.
DOB 10/14/2020
By: Ninegates Tibberton -- Boondocks Algebra of Cushla McCree
Breeder/Owner Handler: Jeanie Pitzenberger / Jeanie Pitzenberger & Donna Tomson
Judges Comment: Feminine head and expression with well set ears. Very well angulated in front and hindquarters, but could be a bit stronger in hocks. Well bodied and very good forechest. Moves well from side but a bit narrow in rear. Harsh coat.
3rd PLACE Bred by Exhibitor Bitch
#096 Rockhart Kenya
DOB 10/26/2019
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Long well-made head. Cokd carry her ears a bit better. A bit flat in topline. Well laid shoulder an upperarm. Long strong croup. Well-angulated in knee and hocks. Unfortunately she lose her profile on the the move and get narrow in rear. Excellent bone and feet.
DOB 10/26/2019
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Long well-made head. Cokd carry her ears a bit better. A bit flat in topline. Well laid shoulder an upperarm. Long strong croup. Well-angulated in knee and hocks. Unfortunately she lose her profile on the the move and get narrow in rear. Excellent bone and feet.
4th PLACE Bred by Exhibitor Bitch
#094 Penumbra Swamp Witch
DOB 10/13/2022
By: CH Pinehurst Rolexx -- GCH CH Penumbra Love Potion Number 9 BCAT CGC ATT
Breeder/Owner Handler: Christina Marie Rappel & Tomothy James Rappel / Christina Marie & Timothy James Rappel
Judges Comment: Excellent type. Love her height off legs. A little bit unsecured in her eyes which destroys the expression a little bit. High set rose ears. Strong neck lovely arch over the loin a bit flat underline. Shoulder and upper arm well laid back but a little bit straight pasterns. Unfortunately a little bit weak in hocks which also affects her movement from side. When she goes around she also get a little bit high over the croup, Could have a little bit more confidence. Excellent strong coat structure.
DOB 10/13/2022
By: CH Pinehurst Rolexx -- GCH CH Penumbra Love Potion Number 9 BCAT CGC ATT
Breeder/Owner Handler: Christina Marie Rappel & Tomothy James Rappel / Christina Marie & Timothy James Rappel
Judges Comment: Excellent type. Love her height off legs. A little bit unsecured in her eyes which destroys the expression a little bit. High set rose ears. Strong neck lovely arch over the loin a bit flat underline. Shoulder and upper arm well laid back but a little bit straight pasterns. Unfortunately a little bit weak in hocks which also affects her movement from side. When she goes around she also get a little bit high over the croup, Could have a little bit more confidence. Excellent strong coat structure.
Winner American Bred Bitch
#110 Nightwings Mercy
DOB 1/1/2019
By: Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwings -- Nightwing's Defiance
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Well balanced bitch. Could have a little bit higher legs. Strong head and expression but still feminine. Lovely shoulder and upperarm. Strong bone and feet broad. Strong croup with excellent length and width. Lovely width of first and second thigh. Moves true from all sides.
DOB 1/1/2019
By: Prairie Creek Charisma at Nightwings -- Nightwing's Defiance
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Well balanced bitch. Could have a little bit higher legs. Strong head and expression but still feminine. Lovely shoulder and upperarm. Strong bone and feet broad. Strong croup with excellent length and width. Lovely width of first and second thigh. Moves true from all sides.
2nd PLACE American Bred Bitch
#114 Serendipity's Kizmet N' Clover At Ipseity Moor
DOB 10/13/2022
By: CH Moloney's Andre -- S CH XOXO Anette From Arya O'Marksbay FDC RN TKI CGC
Judges Comment: A bitch which could have more daylight under her but very good length of body. Very good head an expression. Strong bone and feet, well-bodied all the way back. Could have a little bit more confidence. Balanced movement.
DOB 10/13/2022
By: CH Moloney's Andre -- S CH XOXO Anette From Arya O'Marksbay FDC RN TKI CGC
Judges Comment: A bitch which could have more daylight under her but very good length of body. Very good head an expression. Strong bone and feet, well-bodied all the way back. Could have a little bit more confidence. Balanced movement.
3rd PLACE American Bred Bitch
#106 Cualainn Wild Ambition
DOB 9/20/2019
By: CH Caredig Renegade -- Maccaura Aisling
Breeder/Owner Handler: Jonathan and Nina Harvey / Courtney Smith
Judges Comment: Soft expression, very good pigmentation. Well laid-back shoulder, very good fore-chest, very good upper arm. Strong neck and topline. Strong croup but could do with a little bit longer second thigh, which would give her a better movement in rear, now she becomes a bit high over the croup in movement. Lovely character. Well presented.
DOB 9/20/2019
By: CH Caredig Renegade -- Maccaura Aisling
Breeder/Owner Handler: Jonathan and Nina Harvey / Courtney Smith
Judges Comment: Soft expression, very good pigmentation. Well laid-back shoulder, very good fore-chest, very good upper arm. Strong neck and topline. Strong croup but could do with a little bit longer second thigh, which would give her a better movement in rear, now she becomes a bit high over the croup in movement. Lovely character. Well presented.
4th PLACE American Bred Bitch
#108 Dry Creek Last Hurrah of Callaid
DOB 2/1/2021
By: GCH CH Niobrara Eoghan Roe -- GCH CH Caraglen Berwyck Libaan at Dry Creek
Breeder/Owner Handler: Angela Hunter Knight / Helen R. Philpott
Judges Comment: Excellent type, size and proportions. Like the height of legs. Very strong bone. Strong head, well set rose ears. Very balanced angulated. Well-bodied, nice arch over loin. Could have more confidence and it also affects her movement both coming and going and from the side. Well handled.
DOB 2/1/2021
By: GCH CH Niobrara Eoghan Roe -- GCH CH Caraglen Berwyck Libaan at Dry Creek
Breeder/Owner Handler: Angela Hunter Knight / Helen R. Philpott
Judges Comment: Excellent type, size and proportions. Like the height of legs. Very strong bone. Strong head, well set rose ears. Very balanced angulated. Well-bodied, nice arch over loin. Could have more confidence and it also affects her movement both coming and going and from the side. Well handled.
Winner Open Bitch
#070 Rockhart Mawingo
DOB 10/26/2019
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Lovely balanced bitch. Strong neck and topline which she keeps really well on the move. Love her shoulder and forechest. Well filled out between her front legs. Very wellangulated hindquarters with excellent width of first and second thigh. Strong bone. Has her own will but moves really well when she wants. Really good coat.
DOB 10/26/2019
By: Rockhart Zhivago -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Lovely balanced bitch. Strong neck and topline which she keeps really well on the move. Love her shoulder and forechest. Well filled out between her front legs. Very wellangulated hindquarters with excellent width of first and second thigh. Strong bone. Has her own will but moves really well when she wants. Really good coat.
2nd PLACE Open Bitch
#062 Lonnkyle Norma
DOB 4/5/2021
By: CH Lonnkyle Normandie -- Lonnkyle Plain Trouble
Breeder/Owner Handler: Lloyd John Simmons / Donna Smith
Judges Comment: Very good head. Could have a little bit better expression. Lovely ears, strong neck and topline with a lovely arch over the loin. Well laid-back shoulder. Really lovely bitch. Very good croup and highquarters. Nice width very good first and second thigh. Abit narrow in behind but very good from side.
DOB 4/5/2021
By: CH Lonnkyle Normandie -- Lonnkyle Plain Trouble
Breeder/Owner Handler: Lloyd John Simmons / Donna Smith
Judges Comment: Very good head. Could have a little bit better expression. Lovely ears, strong neck and topline with a lovely arch over the loin. Well laid-back shoulder. Really lovely bitch. Very good croup and highquarters. Nice width very good first and second thigh. Abit narrow in behind but very good from side.
3rd PLACE Open Bitch
#060 Gemini's Big Girls Need Big Diamonds
DOB 2/13/2020
By: GCH Taliesin's Realtbhuion -- Ch Tomahawke Blue Christmas At Gemini
Breeder/Owner Handler: Marian Levin & Robin Pine / Marian Levin
Judges Comment: A very feminine bitch of lovely size and proportions. Like her height on legs. Very good head an expression. Could have a little bit longer muzzle. Well set ears. Well laid back shoulder a little bit upright in upper arm and pasterns, which makes her a little bit loose coming and going, balanced movement from side using her hindquarters well.
DOB 2/13/2020
By: GCH Taliesin's Realtbhuion -- Ch Tomahawke Blue Christmas At Gemini
Breeder/Owner Handler: Marian Levin & Robin Pine / Marian Levin
Judges Comment: A very feminine bitch of lovely size and proportions. Like her height on legs. Very good head an expression. Could have a little bit longer muzzle. Well set ears. Well laid back shoulder a little bit upright in upper arm and pasterns, which makes her a little bit loose coming and going, balanced movement from side using her hindquarters well.
4th PLACE Open Bitch
#056 Caraglen Wyvern Sprezzatura
DOB 6/19/2019
By: CH Caredig Renegade -- Caraglen Berwyck La De Dah
Breeder/Owner Handler: Beverly Stobart, Sue Stobart and Gretchen Bernardi / Melanie Mercer & Gretchen Bernardi
Judges Comment: Very balanced angulated and with strong bone. Not over done in anyway. Very good head and expression. A bit floppy ears. Very good shoulder and up arm. Could be a little bit firmer in the topline. Excellent highquarters with av lovely width of first and second thigh. Moves a little bit narrow in behind and unfortunately doesn't use that power from highquarters on the move.
DOB 6/19/2019
By: CH Caredig Renegade -- Caraglen Berwyck La De Dah
Breeder/Owner Handler: Beverly Stobart, Sue Stobart and Gretchen Bernardi / Melanie Mercer & Gretchen Bernardi
Judges Comment: Very balanced angulated and with strong bone. Not over done in anyway. Very good head and expression. A bit floppy ears. Very good shoulder and up arm. Could be a little bit firmer in the topline. Excellent highquarters with av lovely width of first and second thigh. Moves a little bit narrow in behind and unfortunately doesn't use that power from highquarters on the move.
Winner Stud Dog Dog
#sd-067 Rockhart Resolute
DOB 10/24/2021
By: Nightwings Silent Persuasion -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Consistent type on all offsprings. Excellent shoulders. Excellent length of all the bone parts, shoulder, upper arm, croup, first and second thigh. All of them has nice width of their bone parts. Well made heads with correct soft expressions. All of them has a little bit light eyes but still the correct expression. Excellent construction on all of them. A boy which has inherited all the good parts to his offsprings. A tribute to the breeder who notes to breathe and has put all correct details on them. Very impressive.
DOB 10/24/2021
By: Nightwings Silent Persuasion -- Rockhart Elation
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr Lynn Simon / Dr Lynn Simon
Judges Comment: Consistent type on all offsprings. Excellent shoulders. Excellent length of all the bone parts, shoulder, upper arm, croup, first and second thigh. All of them has nice width of their bone parts. Well made heads with correct soft expressions. All of them has a little bit light eyes but still the correct expression. Excellent construction on all of them. A boy which has inherited all the good parts to his offsprings. A tribute to the breeder who notes to breathe and has put all correct details on them. Very impressive.
Winner Brood Bitch
#bb-134 Nightwings On Fire at Rockhart
DOB 2/26/2021
By: Nightwings Hellfire -- Nightwings Terminal Velocity
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Dr Lynn Simon & Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: The mother is an outstanding bitch, top quality with lovely proportions and she has inherited the well laid back shoulders to all of them. Nice strong bone. She has an excellent head and she has also given that to the offsprings. Excellent width and length of the croup all of them really love the broad croup. Quite outstanding group.
DOB 2/26/2021
By: Nightwings Hellfire -- Nightwings Terminal Velocity
Breeder/Owner Handler: Joel & Wendy Mattson / Dr Lynn Simon & Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: The mother is an outstanding bitch, top quality with lovely proportions and she has inherited the well laid back shoulders to all of them. Nice strong bone. She has an excellent head and she has also given that to the offsprings. Excellent width and length of the croup all of them really love the broad croup. Quite outstanding group.
2nd PLACE Brood Bitch
#bb-124 CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris ATT BN CGC DC AT FCH
DOB 3/17/2021
By: CH Clanlily Dream Maker -- GCH Rysheron's Lady Ivanka
Breeder/Owner Handler: C. Riggs & J. Lindley / A.l. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs
Judges Comment:
DOB 3/17/2021
By: CH Clanlily Dream Maker -- GCH Rysheron's Lady Ivanka
Breeder/Owner Handler: C. Riggs & J. Lindley / A.l. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs
Judges Comment:
Winner Brace
#b2-094 Penumbra Swamp Witch
DOB 10/13/2022
By: CH Pinehurst Rolexx -- GCH CH Penumbra Love Potion Number 9 BCAT CGC ATT
Breeder/Owner Handler: Christina Marie Rappel & Tomothy James Rappel / Christina Marie & Timothy James Rappel
Judges Comment:
DOB 10/13/2022
By: CH Pinehurst Rolexx -- GCH CH Penumbra Love Potion Number 9 BCAT CGC ATT
Breeder/Owner Handler: Christina Marie Rappel & Tomothy James Rappel / Christina Marie & Timothy James Rappel
Judges Comment:
Winner Brace
#b2-130 GCH CH Penumbra Love Potion Number 9 BCAT CGC ATT
DOB 6/3/2019
By: CH Pinehurst Morrow -- GCH CH Prairie Creek's Libeled Lady Of Penumbra SCN SIN SBN ATT
Breeder/Owner Handler: Christina Marie Rappel & Constance C. Smalley / Christina Marie & Timothy James Rappel
Judges Comment:
DOB 6/3/2019
By: CH Pinehurst Morrow -- GCH CH Prairie Creek's Libeled Lady Of Penumbra SCN SIN SBN ATT
Breeder/Owner Handler: Christina Marie Rappel & Constance C. Smalley / Christina Marie & Timothy James Rappel
Judges Comment:
2nd PLACE Brace
#b1-012 Ianina's Comet at Thornberry
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / Glenna Rice
Judges Comment:
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / Glenna Rice
Judges Comment:
2nd PLACE Brace
#b1-011 Ianina's Dasher
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / A.I. Gottsch
Judges Comment:
DOB 12/9/2023
By: CH Magh Itha's Stratus -- CH Rysheron's We'll Always Have Paris
Breeder/Owner Handler: A.I. Gottsch & Cheryl Riggs / A.I. Gottsch
Judges Comment:
3rd PLACE Brace
#b3-034 Rockhart Heart
DOB 3/19/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr. Lynn Simon / Marcia Miller
Judges Comment:
DOB 3/19/2023
By: Rockhart Resolute -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr. Lynn Simon / Marcia Miller
Judges Comment:
3rd PLACE Brace
#b3-086 Rockhart Soul
DOB 4/15/2022
By: Rockhart Magnum -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr. Lynn Simon / Marcia Miller
Judges Comment:
DOB 4/15/2022
By: Rockhart Magnum -- Rockhart Mawingo
Breeder/Owner Handler: Dr. Lynn Simon / Marcia Miller
Judges Comment:
Winner Type
#t-122 CH Prairie Creek Queen Clarisse CGC
DOB 1/10/2021
By: CH Pinehurst Rolexx -- Ch Prairie Creek Pretty Pricilla
Breeder/Owner Handler: Margaret Wolfe, Constance C. Smalley, Joel Mattson / Jody Kistner, Margaret Wolfe, Ronnie Smalley, Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: Lovely made bitch. Soft outlines. Very balanced angulated. Wellbodied. Very good neck-, under- and topline. Excellent bone and feet. Carries herself well from all sides. Head with correct details and soft expression. Well presented.
DOB 1/10/2021
By: CH Pinehurst Rolexx -- Ch Prairie Creek Pretty Pricilla
Breeder/Owner Handler: Margaret Wolfe, Constance C. Smalley, Joel Mattson / Jody Kistner, Margaret Wolfe, Ronnie Smalley, Joel Mattson
Judges Comment: Lovely made bitch. Soft outlines. Very balanced angulated. Wellbodied. Very good neck-, under- and topline. Excellent bone and feet. Carries herself well from all sides. Head with correct details and soft expression. Well presented.
Winner Gait
#g-065 GCHB Wildisle Brie Sharpshooter
DOB 12/31/2020
By: Brie Shooting From The Hip -- Wildisle Brie Goodness Gracious
Breeder/Owner Handler: Jill Bregy, Debbie Chastain, Beth Chastain MD / Debbie Chastain & Beth Chastain MD
Judges Comment:
DOB 12/31/2020
By: Brie Shooting From The Hip -- Wildisle Brie Goodness Gracious
Breeder/Owner Handler: Jill Bregy, Debbie Chastain, Beth Chastain MD / Debbie Chastain & Beth Chastain MD
Judges Comment:
Best Limited
#a-005 Lonnkyle Phrank
Breeder/Owner Handler: Lloyd John Simmons / Nancy McIntire
Judges Comment:
Breeder/Owner Handler: Lloyd John Simmons / Nancy McIntire
Judges Comment:
Best of Opposite Sex to Best Limited
#a-002 Àine
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
Winner Limited Dog
#a-005 Lonnkyle Phrank
Breeder/Owner Handler: Lloyd John Simmons / Nancy McIntire
Judges Comment:
Breeder/Owner Handler: Lloyd John Simmons / Nancy McIntire
Judges Comment:
2nd PLACE Limited Dog
#a-003 Kleineman
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
Winner Limited Bitch
#a-002 Àine
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
2nd PLACE Limited Bitch
#a-006 Esther Shipley
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
3rd PLACE Limited Bitch
#a-004 Eostre
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
Breeder/Owner Handler: Antonia Maat
Judges Comment:
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